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  1. Hi, As per title, I have IPG Paintball tickets x 10 for $150 (Worth $400). It is unwanted gift so just want to sell it here. Please refer to the link below for more details: http://www.ipgau.com.au/locations_west_aus.html let me know if you are interested. Cheers
  2. Still for sale people! I also have Defi mounting kits for sale shoot me a PM
  3. For sale is brand new [still in the box] defi BF 60mm Boost Gauge $280 PM if interested Cheers
  4. I feel for you mate. I was in the exact same situation as you several months ago. The sound system in my car was all taken except the head unit (coz they know the stuff in the boot worth much more) FYI, the car was parked in a secured car park with big ass gate (I lived in an apartment). Noone should have access to the car park except the residents. Also, it could not be my neighbors because they are mostly retiree and senior citizen. It made me wonder how the hell they can get into my car park in the first place. No where is safe i reckon. The cop came in and took some fingerprint samples and thats about it...I heard nothing since then... I hope you get your stuff back. Those lowlife c*nts really need a lesson Good luck
  5. What year? How many km has it done?
  6. I have my items shipped separately (each item has their own article number/tracking number). also, the sender actually marked them as gift. One of the items has actually been delivered. The rest were held in the custom
  7. Thanks for the helps guys. I will fill in the forms and send it out tomorrow. R DIRTY 3, I will give you a buzz if I found problems in doing this. Much appreciated. Cheers guys.
  8. Thanks for the input [Michael] They sent me some forms to fill up...but they require me to register to get a Declaration ID (for example: ABN, CCID (custom client identification ID), or Client activity Centre No. (CAC)) first... is that the normal procedure? The items all add up more than A$1000... also, can i just go to the custom office and settle everything down over there and collect my items? Anyone know where is the office? tried to look at their website but nothing much there.
  9. Hi ppl, I have some items from japan being held at custom. I am looking around yellowpages and I dont know who I should use as my custom broker. Could anyone please recommend one? How much would it cost for the service? This is my first time doing this, so wouldnt have a clue. And Yes, I have use search function but nothing really specifically address my question. Thanks
  10. Thanks champ... Only the people who know how to appreciate the rims will know how much they worth for
  11. The condition of the rims and almost brand new tyres are the reason why people should pay more for these rims... if you can find a better price, then go and get them... I am not desparate to sell it...
  12. still for sale guys... come on...anyone?
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