i guess it all depends on the situation and how well off you are
personally i would buy my kids a car whether it was a gtr or a bmw like i said it all depends on the circimstances if u have enough money and have enough faith in your kids, could be very good motivation for your kids to get good marks in skool but not every kid is the next all knowing all seeing car enthiust and if the parents are all they can do is try and pass the gift on to their kids and point them in the right direction and it is the son/daughter's decision to choose what path they take from their all you can do is offer some friendly advice...i have seen parents who think that yelling at a kid is going to knock some sence into them and point them in the right direction well im the exact opposite.
like i said it is up to the kid yelling is going to help no one, by yelling the kid is more likely to go the opposite way to ur pointing them...so i'll get back to the question "would you buy your child a car ?"
yes i would whether it would be a lambo,bmw or a skyline i would leave that up to them to decide...childhood is sposed to be the happy time of your life so i would do my bet to let them have fun and not worry about the financial side of thing like saving up to buy a car etc. but try to teach them not to take thing for granted in life.