Ok so i got the FICD fixed, it was stuck, and now opens and shuts, BUT, it doesn't do anything. If you turn the aircon on, it doesn't rais the rpm of the engine. I checked the air passage and that is fine, and selenoid opens, but no rpm rise.
Also found that the power stearing does not activate the FICD, form the looks of it the switch has some shit caced on it, so need to check that.
Does anyone know how the FICD is suppose to work correctly???
ALSO, the overfloow bottle came up to a higher level then normal, but that is possibly as i was standing arround in traffick for ages, will see if it goes down over the day as the car cools down.
Either way the car started like crap again this morning.
How does a leaking manifold affect the start, echsut manifold that is, is it becaus eon the overalap it might be drawing air in from the manifold???