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Everything posted by WogsRus

  1. yeah coun't me in. Should be great.
  2. Thanks Young. Hows life, early start again? got prices form Nissan, about $160 plus studs for all the gaskets. Got a guy in USA, whole kit for the entire engine, JDM spec, $150US
  3. I know just being a bit clearer
  4. Forgot to add. In Cold weather, you will have to reset the duty, colder air easier to compress, hence higher boost setting will occur, as the boost controller always monitor boost settings, so if you preset it to 12 psi, but on a cold night reach 13psi, it will always then try to go to 13 psi. This is same for most controllers, which sux. BUT i found the gizzmo works well, sure it has it's downfalls, mainly that the boost can change depending on temperature, but it is fast, easy to use, well once you know how to and has great closed loop controll. Same goes for hot eather, hot weather means harder to build boost, so lower boost.
  5. ALSO http://www.gizzmoelectronics.com/instruction.htm
  6. OK well I have one, and just about know the full ins and outs on this thing, have been stuffing with it for about 6 months. Ok the way the controller works is to set a desired solenoid duty, this is how fast it opens and closes, the higher the number the higher the boost. HOWEVER the number does not relate to boost directly. For example, 14 duty, does not mean 14 psi. The controller is limited to what gate you have. If the stock gate is preset to 7psi, lowest setting you can run is 7 psi. The way to preset the controller is as such. Find a nice stretch of road, LONG and 100kph plus. 1) Hold down the top button for 5 seconds. Once this happens it will flash the number to preset the duty. For an R33, 10psi is about 45 duty, but this differs. 2)press down on the top button until the desired duty number is reached. START with 10. 3) After the duty has been preset, wait 5 seconds until the IBC goes back to monitor mode. 4) Once in monitor mode, take the car for a run, you need to load the car up good, so a WOT run in 2 and 3 will do, but you will go wayyy over 100kph so be careful. While accelerating keep an eye out on the boost to make sure you don't over boost. 5) after the run, press the controller top button, this will go to setting 2 for boost, then press the down button to go back to the previous boost setting. This will display the maximum boost reached. 6) If the boost reached is low 7psi, increase the duty of the solenoid, and then go for another run. Continue to do so until you reach the desired boost level. Repeat step 1 onwards again. 7) If you want do this for 4 different setting. Just as an EXAMPLE on my car with all the mods listed, following duty corresponds to each boost 25=8psi, 35=10psi, 49=12psi, 67=14.5psi. NOW once you get the duty set, it's time to set the response. This sets how fast you build boost, too much and you will over boost, tooooo little and it will be laggy. 1) Select the desired boost memory to work on. 2) Hold down the bottom button for 5 seconds 3) Once in the setting mode, increase the number. Start low say 5 and go from there. The higher the number the faster the boost will build. HOWEVER The number depends on boost reached. At 7 psi you will need a higher number to build fast boost, as the turbo is not very efficient at this low boost. So for example at 7 psi the response might be 30 but at 14 psi it will be 2. If you set the response too high, the car will surge, the boost will rise and drop VERY fast, back off on the response for that particular boost setting. HOWEVER if you have a mismatched wastage, and you have boost creep, you can minimize this by allowing some over boost on the controller. So what you do is set the response higher, so that the turbo over boosts, but by the time the IBC has reacted the wastage creep has caught up and boost remains steady. IF you have BAD CREEP issues, reduce the DUTY of the solenoid by 4, and increase the RESPONCE by 2 or so. This will allow for some moor creep control by intentionally over boosting the initial boost setting. Basically you want to set the response in such a way, that the gate opens 1 psi before the desired boost is reached, this can only be done by trial and error. WHEN setting the response, you do not need to go for a drive and boot it, it will work itself out during normal driving. SO I hope this covers it. HIHIHIHI If anyone has any question PM me, I don't know if there are many people that have as much experience as me. I really went to town on this thing, as far as getting the functional description from the manufacturer to see how the thing works. LOL. ALSO
  7. yeah a 040 would have no issues. The R33 tank has almost an inbuilt surge tank anyway, the pump sits in a deeeepppp hollow at the bottom of teh tank. I have had almost no fuel and kaned it arround corners and still no surge. Dont' forget the 040 flows about 3 times more fuel then standard, so there will not be a problem with flow. ALSO if you replace the pump and run higher pressures, i would replace ALLL the fuel hoses and new clamps and a new BIGER filter. I didn't change 3 hoses, and they split, so it's a good insurance. Scott at Purple pig will help you out there.
  8. Well i hope it's not oil, i guess i could try that. I have 10-30 Fuchs in it now, fully synthetic oil. I can't remember if it ticked mych before, so who knows.
  9. you can hear it slightly if the bonnet is shut and standing next to the car, but if you put your head down, you can hear it easily. I have also swithced to a different oil, however i do not think that is my problem. Time will tell.
  10. thanks guys. Does anyone know where i can get cheeper turbo to dump and turbo to manifold gasktes. Here in tas no one has these cheep, like $36 each.
  11. Thanks R31nizmo, but i'll be doing all the work myself, this is a piss of piss compared to some of the jobs. Allthough i am only a mechanical engineer, having worked on car's since i was 9 and dad did rallying in Europe, this is nothign new. Well new in the sence that it is a Skyline, and haven't delt in turbos before, it's a bit more complicated, hence the barage of questions. I have the manual and all the tools, so i figured i can't stuff it up to much. LOL. here's hoping anyway. So far costs are Exhayst gasket manifold = $100 turbo to manifold = $ 15 turbo to dump = $23 Stud kit and new nuts and washers = $38 Also will replace copper gaskets on teh turbo, but have not got price as yet. Total = $176 Hideen charges Beer = $30 Bandaids = $5 Trip to doctor for scuffed knuckels = $30 Knowing you did it yourself = pricless. LOL thanks guys.
  12. are the other ones shit or something? I have heard that Sparco have good ones. How do i tell if it is a good one? Anyone have had bad experiance with non genuine ones or something?
  13. Thanks guys, yeah i am sure it's an exhaust, i found some black burn marks arround, evidence of exhaust leaks. I wish i got my warranty now. LOL. Oh well, looks lika a weekend job. Gettign some pricing today, but where is the best place to get manifold gasket from. nissan is about $100 i think.
  14. Hi guys, well my little enoing tick, turned out to be a manifold gasket. I think, two studs were loose. Did these up and tick is better but still there once hot. I have checked everything else, and all apears to be well, not bearing or anythign of that nature. SO where is the best place to get new studs and gaskets for a good price. While i am at it, anyone have a low mount manifold to suit stock turbo in the stock position??? Thanks.
  15. yepp taht trick is the one i used, my dad told me how to use it properly, works dam well too. I have checked the oil pressure, all fine good oil pressure, new oil, and the ticking noise can't be heard anywhere on the engine, not bearings, not block no idea. so i think its must be my exhaust. ohh well wait till it shit me too much.
  16. well i went over the car, and well no ticking when cold, only when hot. Went over all the bolts, all tight. I think it's the manifold, as when you close the bonnet, its a bit louder. Dam it.
  17. thanks guys, how much are gaskets for the manifold and so forht? I guess new studs while i am at it?
  18. I just realised how bad my spelling is, sorry guys, I’m a wog.
  19. but the tubo pulls great, boost like there is no tommorow, i wish i could recod it. I am going to go over all the agskets to have a look. so does teh gasket cause a fain tick, tick tick????
  20. Ok so i have had this ticking noise, not a knock or a tap, a tick, like as if you were listning to an old grandfather clock, except faster. The car has done 80K, and has always been serviced even in japan, i got all books and so forht. The engine has good compretion 150psi across all cylinders. Engine makes great power over 200 rwks, and is always warmed up and cooled down. It does not blow any smoke or use oil or watter. Now i know the tappet tap, i can hear those, the injectors are noisy, common issues, no probs there. But this sound can only be heard under the car, on teh turbo side, and possibly towards the rear, hard to tell. it's a faint tick. You can only hear it under the car, and if you are driving slow in a carpark. I do not know if it gets lowder when you go faster, cos it is faint. I think the sound is the same on cold or hot starts, i think. I have tried to listen with ahose to see if i can pinpoint the noise but no good. Now i have did find two louse studs on the manifold did these up. so far i have not found any other. The manifold sustds are all there. The clutch throw out bearing has been replaced, and sounds fine. No i don't know what this can be, as it can ONLY be heard under the car. Can someone with a simmilar problem give me some ideas ???????????? What are teh signs of a big end about to spin????? HELP I am going to go insane i am to anal about cars. LOL
  21. WogsRus

    Tas Whoretown

    bored, well humm yeah. It's work and working on teh car is much more fun. LOL. U?
  22. I am gona be at the nats, YYYEEHHHA, well me not the car. Car is not clean enough, needs a massive polish up first.
  23. Hay ben, sorry i couldn't make it. Got in late, MRS went to Yoga, and i was geting anal with the car. LOL
  24. WogsRus

    Dash Leds

    hay are these avilable for sale to other states, if so can i get one to tassie. PM me with details please.
  25. WogsRus

    Tas Whoretown

    some of us have a life, hang on i just posted here ok maybe not.........................
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