Hay guys, just a heads up. I am in the process, propably still 4 months away, in designing and manufacturing and kit for IC spray for R33. These will include a new washerbottle to replace the existing. It will have two seperate reservours, one for normal windscreen spray, and one for IC spray. It will come with pump, electronics, hoses, and all fittings. It will also include a spray bar or a nozzle spray arrangment, depending on what is ordered.
The kist should sell for about $250-$300, but still sometime away. I have to do a lot of testing in regards to spray patterns and final cooling temerature to come up with optimal cooling for minimal watter consumption, and being a mech engineer helps. LOL.
The kits will be available for stock and aftermarket coolers. Hardest part is comming up with instructions, beleve me, you forget how much detail is required.
The kits will be made available for an R33 to start with, and all the testing will be performed on my car and a dyno to archive optimal results. Once complete, i will be looking for some testers, say 5 or so, to test the prodcust, free of charge, and if happy, they can purchase the kit or return it as required.
After the R33 kit is finalised, the R32 and R43 will follow.
So keep an eye out.