can help with frt bar , door , and rear light
one catch im in north queensland
pm me if still interested
good parts just taking up room in my garage
$500 plus post
had my car tuned a few months ago
r33 3 zorst and filter pfc
had all safe knock levels around 20
now even the slightest accelaration its reading 100
any ideas on what is brocken
thanxs help would be great
yeah i have replaced both the afm and the cas
a big improvment in car response when i did
however it still has the weird cut out point
when it cuts out the engine responds to no input (accel pedal)
or otherwise
it has to be a wiring fault im going to strip it down on the weekend
okay tries another ecu same thing so it must be engine related or some sensor fo rinput into the ecu
would changing the tps do any good ???
come on guys iv all run out of ideas
thanxs for the reply
has been a problem since the power fc was installed (engine was transplated from another car all at the same time)
not under accel at all
batt voltage is good engine rpm just goes to zero no power you can even pump the accel pedal nothing at all
tps read a change but engine does nothing
no change with anything at time of fault
the stock ecu has other probs it runs reallt rich so that doesnt help much
it only happens at the low load low rpm when the same point is being used for say 400m rolling around car parks for example
thanxs for the reply
umm pump is stock fuel filter is about a month old a/f are 13.2 donw to 11.9 at wot
last time i had on the dyno in feb its been doing it since then he could find the prob on the dyno
yes low load low speed say first second and third first five by five block
also has a slight surge at high speed like on the highway
where is my ignitior chip the series two have the ignitors in each coil so i would be not a coil prob ?
the numbers are 125 3x5 and then 129 to complete 5x5 block
Help S2 R33
cruisin at a constant speed ie around carparks the car sudders and loses all power
and rolls for 3.4 sec then jolts back into life sometime its quite violent
what would cause an ignition/fuel? cut full loss of power
only momentary 3 -4 secs at a time
replaced o2 sensor
replaced cas
replaced afm
replaced plugs
tested coils
timed engine 15 deg
set idle
stock apart from a power fc
i know the way to set the timing on the 33s but the series twos have two connectors on the throttle
body the brown one is the one to disconnect right ?
on my engine when i set it at 15 deg the car feels heaps retarded and when i knock it upto
25deg it feels good
any help would be great
pull your speedo cluster out and check the ignition earth wire its a pink wire
if this burt out it will do what your talking of
this earth is easily damaged whilst installin stereos etc
thats all good that the gearboxes are the same ratio
but the diffs would be a diff ratio auto to manual
any one know the diff ratios for the gtr(frt and rear) and the stagea ?
if you change only the rear diff(ratio)then you are going to get windup where the rear wheels
are turning faster than the frt wheel due to the ratios
frt bar is the same as the coupe you can buy that from anywere
rear bar are almost the same as well u just have to shorten the
rear guard piece that goes to the rear wheels