...obviously by accident.
Turns out Ive purchased a stolen vehicle. Fantastic, I found out yesterday
Very long story, 16 weeks since it was seized and 6 months since I bought it, Ill cut it down to a paragraph.
I did all the checks before buying, I dont have the full story, but looks like its been plate swapped. I bough it from NSW (of a legitimate car sale website) and brought it back to SA. Car was seized when I went for ID check, hasnt been seen since.
Highly doubt the last owner knows it stolen (NSW)
NSW law states, that 'buyer beware', all checks should be done before buying (I did) and that buyer takes all responsibility to ensure the car is not financed, roadworthy condition and not stolen.
SA lat states, that "Generally if a vehicle is stolen the true owner will be able to recover it and the purchaser will have to recover the price paid from the seller, even if purchased from a dealer." Taken from the 'Vehicle Securities Register'
I have two options,
1. try and get this through the SA courts, take it to small claims, according to legal aid (SA) its a piece of cake, no problems.
2. Prove that he guaranteed me the car was not stolen, I have some paper work, Im currently seeing if this is enough.
Has anybody ever had this happen? Or similar? Any help is much appreciated, im open to any idea.