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Everything posted by sloutch

  1. Hi people, I have to admit i didn't use the SEARCH function on this question, a little lazy. I am wondering if the petrol you pump into your vehicle will stay 'fresh' after 2 weeks inside your car? I remember i read from somewhere on the forums where people did mention that the 98RON might lose a few 'RONs' or something like that.
  2. Nice M3. Didn't you JUST sell your r32 gtr? BTW, is this M3 an SMG or Manual?
  3. Nice! It is definitely a good buy. With the -5 turbos. No wonder you said it is pretty damn fast
  4. GTR > NA Supra for sure Well done... Is the gtr from a member here? 'chan' was it?
  5. Let's see... if you want smallish low mounted turbos, try the HKS GTRS, or Garrett 3071 Most people go for Hi-flows if you still want response. Or if you want nice big power no matter how laggy it is, you can go for Garrett T04Z.
  6. No offense, but i think in my opinion if you want a very good job, go to a place that deals with prestige cars. Charlie Battisti in Nunawading is one of them. Recommended repairer for Porsches, VWs, BMWs, Mercs Correct Accident in North Melbourne does jobs for Melbourne city Lexus. I have a friend with an IS250 who went there, had his panels resprayed..you can't tell the difference at all.
  7. Well, i wasn't parked on on NO STANDING area...the sign had LOADING ZONE and that's it.. Anyway, i've managed to arrange to see my 'pictures'... We'll see how it goes from there.. $117 doesn't come out from my pocket that easily
  8. Wow ok... Was that from the same council as mine? or different?
  9. OUCH! Working on a sunday night I'd be pissed!! Go ban some spammer or issue warnings to vent your anger! Yup, i was sitting in the car using my mobile phone. Had to accept the call as it was important. I will be requesting the picture which was 'taken' from their wonderful camera though. If only the town council have half the brains, they can use the money spent on these cameras to patch up the damn pot holes on the roads instead! And maybe more police around the area to make it safer!
  10. Nah, no more Evo It's euro time Can't wait to see your new toy though, any hints? Surprised this car isn't sold yet.
  11. LOL Ash..sometimes you have to reply with the most direct/straight forward answers. Anyone else with personal experiences on this issue and managed to get away with it?
  12. Has anyone got caught and been summoned an infringement notice by the Maribyrnong City Council?? I just received one in my letter box on Friday for apparently stopping at a Loading Zone?!??! I just stopped there to answer a phone call and i'm being fined $117??? Can i contest this at all? Can someone share some of their experiences please. Thanks.
  13. I say KEEP IT matt . How can you sell the thing that gave you so much happiness and joy over so many years! The amount of time you spent taking care of it. Me picking you up from the bus station to go pick up your car at RE
  14. Sorry to hijack the thread, which S4 do u have saff_cossie? The B7 or B8? PM me if you wish. Would love to know your experience with it. Anyway, you can try Cox Automotive Repairs. They do warranty work on european cars. BMWs, Audis, Alfa etc. They are located in South Melbourne http://coxautomotive.com.au/ Or if you want to stick to Brunswick area, you can try Worx Automotive. They deal with BMWs and Audis as well.
  15. ^^^ LOL! This is a good one. Obviously that guy(chef stagea) doesn't know shit about the R34 GTR and decides to be a smart-arse. Good luck with your sale. Nice clean GTR. You interested in trades?
  16. Isn't that how ALL r34 GTRs came in? 1 white and 1 red??
  17. What sort of cars are you interested in trading with? Would you prefer trade + cash your way ( Since you wanna start a company ) or trade + cash on top of your car?
  18. Has anybody tried FUCHS oil? A few V8 supercar teams uses it.
  19. Sorry to dig up and old thread. Has anyone have experiences purchasing from performancelub.com? Was thinking of buying engine oil from them.
  20. RB25DET Neo have 370cc top feed injectors. My old 34 gtt had 250rwkw and it had 480cc injectors running at 80%. If you are worried, you can always get an FPR to adjust. FYI, R33 and R34 gtst injectors are different.
  21. I am using the fastest plan on ADSL2+ bigpond can offer at the moment. Honestly, i don't see how good it is. Speeds are pretty average and i'm about 1km from my exchange.
  22. Thanks to all those with great recommendations. I am keen to try Lindt cakes and Marks Quality cakes.
  23. Hi guys, Trying to order a chocolate cake for a mate's birthday coming up in the next couple of weeks. I have had cakes from Brunetti, Laurent and The Cheese Cake Shop. Getting pretty sick of their cakes for now. Does anyone have other suggestions regarding where i can find nice chocolate cake in Melbourne? Preferably around the City fringe areas. Thanks!
  24. So it is speeds tested at work? That's not fair! Well, we're looking at speeds tested from your home connection. Connection speeds at my work place is sky high too.
  25. I'm jealous.. Is that cable internet or what? Which ISP?
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