that does. especially if they live out of town and have to drive through a 100 zone. all that would do is cause road rage on the highway. and when you had your p's did you ever overtake someone on the highway that was doing 85 in a 100 zone? and did you break the speed limit in the process. limiting the cars to about 140-150 is a more sensible idea. or have them limited by gps, so that when in a 60kmh area that can't go more than say 70kmh. you would have to have it just above the legal limit or you would end up with more p platers being punched off the road by semi drivers who are running late.
also, on the cover of the local paper was a photo of a semi overtaking a car around a corner on double white lines. i don't think it is just p platers who need tougher laws, but truckies too. we can't hold a mobile phone while it is on speaker phone, but they can hold a CB radio.