Are they any synthetics for Kendall?
Before i got my car tuned by race pace i was using Mobil1 15w-50 which is actually a ,motorbike's oil. Ben from racepace put in Castrol Edge 10w-60. I never liked Castrol. And when i called the Mobil Distributor and spoke to the lubricant specialist at mobil. He said that Mobil and Castrol oils works very differently.
If a car had been using castrol oil since new and had done 100,00km on the speedo and you switch to Mobil oils the engine will shit itself. Why?castraol oils does not absorb the carbons in the engine. Castrol oils actually leaves the carbon deposit in the engine so that the oil stays cleaner therefore better protection. Mobil oil actually absorbs more of the carbons therefore your engine is cleaner. (dont shoot me for this as im just repeating the lubricant specialists comments about castrol). Also when i spole to the Oz distributor for Royal purple (off the records he says) Castrol edge 10w-60 is not a true 10w-60. Irs actually more like 10w-45or 50 when its operating at high temp.
Mobil 1 came out with 15w-50 for cars now with added compund that reduces friction in it. I can get it at $72/5ltr drum.
If you guys are running high powered Rbs then i think you guys should use 15w-50 at the very least. At least thats wat i got the impression from Ben in Racepace but he preferes 10w-60 though.
I think i will be sticking with Mobil one although Amsoil is $75/5ltr srum+freight. Very tempting