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Everything posted by stasis

  1. hmm i wonder wheter we can buy our own ethanol and mix the fuel ourselves?
  2. yeaan man it wont make you blind but blind drunk!! AAHAHAH. Cool Midol are in youVic? Did you make the ethanol from Sugarcane? Hmm I bottle of it its like steroids to the car.hmmmm
  3. spoken to Ben in regards to the boost 98. He told me to fill up either Bp Ultimate or Mobil 8000 for the tune and after that i can use the boost 98 w/o having to retune
  4. not a problem will do. Hei Ska is my typing that bad>! LOL
  5. i suggest you go back there and abuse the shit out of the C()t. Let the steam out and get it over with. The stuff you mentioned about the gears and stuff wont hurt. good luck buddy
  6. Luke you read my mind. THanks for clarifying this. Thats exactly what im going to do except im not going to wait 2 whole days in the workshop but will crash in the city i guess
  7. ok let me have a go at this. 1. You need proof stating that you are only sending your car to install the headunit at the caryard? 2. You will need to prove that the ODO was reading 7.1km when you handed the car over to the car yard. ANd receipt for the fuel that you put in. even if you make it to court the caryard people will say that the headunit was installed at the boss's home. In my point of view dont bother cos you got a weak case. Cos you dont have hard evidence to back you claims up for the ODO read out. But i might be wrong. Look just treat it as a lesson so be more specific and detail next time.
  8. cant help it im excited going to see the car on steroid on friday
  9. ok guys perhaps i should rephrase. catching up after the tune right outside the workshop and not intefering with the mans job or business. Meet atthe curbside its fine thats what i meant anyways. soz for the misunderstanding. I dont mean to invade Ben's workshop but meet up with other stagea owners (if the want to come) and chit chat outside the workshop outta of Ben's way of course. Clear guys?! Dont start on me now
  10. just to look at the car thats all not to look when they are doing the tune though. thats wat i mean and get together to see everyone elses cos i missed the cruise the other day. I know Alex will come down since hes in the area and some other guys in the area as well
  11. i dont know yet i was hoping to get it after lunch on friday
  12. watever happened BOOSTED? lost touch with him
  13. its at factory #6 No. 9 Holloway Dr Bayswater
  14. Ok for those people in Vic. im going for a tune at racepace this Friday. Anyone who has frees time are welcome to drop by and say hello. Let me know.
  15. ehat suxks man they should be hang from their balls
  16. Changed of plans. Much easier to buy a whole new engine (eg. Hks, Z tune or Jun) Ehcak it in and done with it!! The res of the bits and poeces stays the same.
  17. my bro did mine for me and it works fine great reception. I dont know wat he did though. Mu unit is a sony one.
  18. Cool at least now i know theres 2 Autechs in Melbourne now. Well you got that right mine was the first and i just got it just over 4 months so... Mine is a silver grey one. Who are you getting complied with from memory theres only one place in melbourne who complies 260rs. Keep us up dated. And how much you paid for your beast?!
  19. one of my caqr did that years ago. I think from memory is the vaccum pump that holds the rpm and the constant rpm set. Just check with your mech im sure is only a minor thingy. dont worry too much about it
  20. sorry to hear wat had happened to your car though. Wats you color of your interior trim? Im lookinhg for a driver side rear door interior trim and how much? Thanks pal BTW do you have whiteline swaybars? Will it fit 260rs? and how much?
  21. try Nulon additive for manual and diffs additives . It works wonders it should quite down your whining
  22. hi Brad im pretty sure the unis are replaceable from what ive seen before in workshops but it depends on the original deigners though of the car and parts. I wouldnt surprised if its not replaceable. Thats how we got suckered into getting ripped of by the giants i think
  23. try checking your cv joints onto the wheels. it seem to be it but have a look. If it is get it rebuilt by a specialist and you will save half of the cost of the new ones
  24. Alex my 4wd lancruiser is an auto i tried the nulon additive on the auto gearbox and it made a HUGE difference in shifting ETC. try it you wont regret it Also i think i posted lists of oils lubricants remmended by mobil too. Cant remember where i posted it up at though soz. Its what i wass recommended by mobil when i purchase all the oils from them.
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