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Everything posted by stasis

  1. it didnt say the wieght of the bonnet though. For 1 k +shiping its a bit steep but i would get it if im wasnt that tight in money.too bad it didnt have any scoop/vents or watsoever
  2. from memory i think my mech cheked it where we pour the oil in. May i suggest that you migh want to pour in a bottle of the auto transmission additive made by nulon. you will notice substantial differences. This is just an option/
  3. Brendon, try getting a straight pipe through first before you buy anything . Do it like wat pixels says. And see how you go. <y Nismo muffy have a resonator and its abit loud at times when low rpm but hey a lot of people whom heard the sound before that it sounded like a porsche. try a straight pipe through go to a junk yard and get a piece a scrap 3" and weld it on and see how you go first.
  4. lol yea its abit annoying at times
  5. yea fly lets hope that im in town early next year
  6. yea anutjing impul ,hkss, nismo preffered will b good. will tak e any of them! but i've heard that they are coming out with a turbo variant very soon so.. might want to hold on guys
  7. damn it but anyway if its full genuine impul if any fanatics get it into the country it will be even more rare than a lambo!! BTW before i bought my car i saw on carsales there was one M35 for sale with aussie plate. So im guessing that the M35 is avail for compliance. damn i think im saving up again ermm for the next stagea?!
  8. if for 30k you can get a 500+kw car impul why not? personally i woul;d get it just for the heck of pissing of fors and HSVs drivers hwehe
  9. damn hated to miss the join the pack on the cruise. So when is the next cruise any estomated time?
  10. yep i know that but i havent seen an s1 hid headlight before though so i thought wat the heck whack it on and it came out good cant complain of course you have to sdhust the head light assembly assy down a bit in order not to shine onto oncoming traffic.
  11. actually i have read in some japanese mag a kind of compressor oil additices that you can add and you will imporve by about 10% of performance with the ac on
  12. try cpnsulting an auto elec for your xenonsit should be preety easy to conver it back to it
  13. but its not bad for the price though 30ks. but will love to see the fuel consumption on it though but auto suck though
  14. well i upgraded my H4s light into low xenon high halogetn HID conversion kit. Overall im really happy with the result from the conversion. im using 600k co;or s[ectru, pf cpurse anythin higher is actually deemed illegal. so....
  15. you suyre you saw the agon in autosalon?!! Somebody must have car jacked my car from the shed!!! HMMM!!! my younger bro!!
  16. soz guys i might not make it. Im not in the country and i dont know when will i be back as i am enjoying my newly born second son on the 1st. But if i make it before the 18th i will definetely make it.
  17. CKCKCKCK!!!! look in my opinion if you want to sell something you have to answer back every questions that a potential customer. running at wat boost, how many ks ETC. I think thats a fair question. IR YOU DO NOT LIKE TO ANSWER QUESTIONS STATE IT ON THE FIRST POST. BTW my number is 0419166605. im not goign to waste my call charges. If you do be my guest
  18. well tahts good on you you sold it just to let you know thats all. if you want to take it as an offend fine with me go ahead. This proves to the forum how rude you are. if your price is such as good deal no need to be afraid of. good luck you can PM if you want to take this further I DARE YOU
  19. who are you referring to? If its me i dont what you are talking about i know already?! Just to let you know 2530s turbos can be puchased BRAND NEW for about your price.
  20. how do you take the panels in the interior off?
  21. how many case have you run with your 2530? do you run a turbo timer and what boost were you running? Your car daily use?
  22. thanks anyways PW i have to put it into a credit card have tos save cash up. cant resist the low interest being offered at the moment
  23. how many ks on your speedo at the moment? like my car has done 70k when i first got it. i confirmed this from the brake pads. The front was replaced with an aftermarket ones with about 50% left on the pads. And the rears are still the original brembo brake pads. So these are the little things that you can see. Tie rods see wheter they are still originals or not.
  24. theres actually a few general rule of thumbs when you look at the car. First is the front of the car. Cosmetically.wheter its good or not meaning n scracthes and stuff. second is the steering wheels. a 100k car on the speedo has to be a bit worn. thirdly are the pedals clutch brakes pedals to see wheter they are worn or not. of course these factors are just guidelines. my dad like to kick the fron tyres really hard to see any movemnts or not on the tyre when he kicked it. If there is movement most probably it had done high mileage. again these things can be replaced and compomosed. But its just to reduces the chances of dealers being shifty. Another thing when you ask them questions and how they reply you. I studied phycology only a few classes iwhen i was in Uni. when they answer your questions and they are abit like hmm, errs or any body movements most probably they are lying. Its hard for me to explain but i can picke it uo easily. so..
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