Hi guys,
just wondering anybody tried the boost p8 by United before. United its owned by Mobil now. This was breifly mentioned in the force induction section.
It got me thinking. If people is talking about converting to Lpg because of the fuel cost, why not use the United Boost 98? I called the box Hill Branch in Victoria and they wer selling it for $1.39/lts of the boost 98. Boost 98 got 10% ethanol in it.
I have asked this question on the on ther thread. Has anybody tried it long term? My bro said that Nissan engine are not compitable with ethanols. And theres no listing for Nissan as well in the United website. Hondas are not included as well.
FOe $1.359 its preety cheap compared to other 98 Ron fuels by about 8-10 cents i believe. Also since Ethanol is corrosive wouldnt be good to keep the engine clean as well? Like the Biodiesel as well it will keep the engine clean. Optimax Extreme got 5% Ethanol in it but its damn dear i think when i tried it a few weeks ago it was $1.50/ltr. But thats 100 Ron though. But is it worth it compared to the Unite Boost 98 and the Optimax Extreme and the Normal 98Ron and the Lpgs.
ANother thing is on the other thread they wer saying the engine has to be tuned to suit the fuel in ths case the ethanol. Couldnt we program 2 maps into the Power FC so when you use the boost 98 you switch to a specific map and switch again when you are using normal 98 Ron?
Heres the lin to Unite , it will show you where Boost 98 is available australia wide
All this just tyring to reduce our fuel costs. See what you guys think.