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Everything posted by stasis

  1. when you put the gear in nuetral and you step on the clutch oes the rattling goes away? If it does is the clutch bearing
  2. Hi Guys, just got my self a Nissan Stagea 260rs. Its gotthe Rb26 and a 5 spedd manual gearbox. Just wondering wheter i could whack a 6 speed gearbox from a R34 Gtr or not? oe any other suggestions? Thanks guys.
  3. get it complies by paul whiting up in Qld and ship the car to Sa after it passed the compliance.
  4. \Yea that only happened for the last few years. the debts had been accumulated sinces the 50s. Why do you thing the oz $ have always fallen since the 50s? At the start of the 50s A$ is the same value as british pounds!!. Look at it now.
  5. there you go!! if not how the hell is the govt gonna raise money to pay off their debts of 500billion+ with only 30 mill population?!
  6. BTW does anybody knows wheter if i can fit a R34 GTR 6 soeed transmission into a 260rs?
  7. Thanks Alex. do you have the contact number for the computalign? let me know thanks.
  8. Hei Melbournians, just really curios, who do you guys use for your mechanics (service), tyres shops (who knows stageas' setting and tuners? Im going to use probably Race pace as my tuners, Mechanic wise i dont know yet and tyre shops is donolan in box hill but they dont know the setting for stageas. Let me know guys. THanks
  9. you have your problem solved wagonwheels
  10. sorry cant help you then since you pass the compliance why do you need the cat back for?
  11. i presume your ride is a RS4?
  12. \yea Alex i think its gotta to be more than 2 ltrs cos the manual has already about 3 ltrs. Auto is usually more. Terminal you might have to ccheck with Nissan to ask bout the oil cpacity and ask them how normally they drain an auto trans
  13. too lazy to type after market
  14. go and get Nulon auto trans treatment is really good. Used it in my landcruiser 100 series auto trans. Its a totally different beast. transmission wise smooth gear change less noise . try it
  15. Does the car have an AFM echaust? or it doesnt have one? If you only need for the complianc purposes where are you located at? Which compliance center are you gonna use?
  16. All in all i think that if we buy through Jspecs normally they will tell you wheter theres a need to ask an independant mech to inspect the car. I was abit scared at first when i bought the car before i actually see the car with my onw eyes. But it was good. im with qikstagea when you buy 260rss dont expect that the previous owner to treat it like a family car. But i guess with all the floggin at stuff it is acceptable for the engine provided that you dont rev it up while the engine is cold and on time service which mine has all the records. Its really hard oohhh the general rule is looking at the Kms. true but you dont know what type of conditions that the car was travelling at for those amount of Kms it had travelled. To be safe you can have a mech to inspect the car first to put ypu mind at ease first. that just my opinion though i could be wrong.
  17. any updates at all? Like is it being dispatch from the US or something or in transit?!!!
  18. see see you guys are getting suckered by the governement . mining $$ off the citizens.
  19. im actually starting to doubt on the figure tha i was supplied in regards on the production numbers 121 unit of 260rss. Look at jspec i think theres been at least 10 units on sale. But havent seen too much of the S2s though. i might be wrong.
  20. but if the point is cutting on emmision then go LPG. costs wise if we are not doing high milage driving its not really worth the trouble into converting it. Which will also includes the loss of prformance. trued also for the extended life for the engine oil. less carbon depeosits in the engine. is just a matter wheter we are willing to sacrifice or not. Lpg was very attractive when it was only under 20 cents a liter. But look at it now if you compare the percentage increase compares to gasaline it acually incresed by 300% on LPG. think about it?!
  21. wat if the damn howard govt decided to raise the pice of LOG? you are screwed. One tank of gasoline is equilvalent to 1.5 tanks of LPG. Also dont run out of gas in somewhere funny
  22. cool thank guys got myself an idea . probably SS clamos on each ends and metal zip ties? what do you guys think? or not worth it just use metal zip ties? Fitted the exhaust and the high flow cat yesterday Very good. more high end torque. And the note is very nice will try to upload it later. \\\\\\\\\\\\
  23. hows the best way to wrap it tight and wat do i use to stick them. I have decided to wrap the dump and front pipe although the dump pipe will be abit more ticky cos its much shorter and tighter.
  24. nope cos the rear shocks are the forks type. the rs4 doesnt use the fork type for t the rears hocks
  25. why is it shit ass? ive tried it its good. and i have compared it with the original its not far off. At least its much better than halogens bulbs though.
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