just removed mine today. preety firty. Blow it out doesnt do much though. so,, might have to get a replacement for it. part numbers please anyone? will call and make some inquires.
when you guys says its the ATTESA system does it means the transfer case? Cos i want to check every fluid in the car. I dont trust those Kamilaze guys.
First of all the didnt fill the coolant resovoir tanks. Engine oi is fine. Power sterring fluid is over filled i check it when its cold. I want to check the transfer case, gerbox and the diffs. Does it means that i have to jack the whole car up and also the car is so damn low
wow nice one. how much your engine is pumping out? Am i seeing correctly on your number plate thats NTs number plate? Where are you? I know its new T.
BTW do you know where we can source a Z2 engine?
Hi Ken mine sits at about 2250rmp? why? You know what i havent see you car yet. show me yours man. seen cruiseliners. BTW How many people owns a 260rs? and who amd where? i only know you, pureamphetamine, myself amd i thin 1 other guy. let me know
Hei SKA so what you are saying id you value the car more than your wife?
Well to tell you the truth though i dont like people driving my car as well.