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Everything posted by stasis

  1. opps i forgot to add its still a std clutch factory
  2. Hi guys, just noticed the problem on the car yesterday afternoon. I was bcking out of a parking lot and it was on a sliight slope. And the car starts to shudder. Is this normal? It was ok when the ground was flat. The car is 260rs which is exactly the same as the R33GTR. Thanks guys
  3. Why is your left side have more of everything? purposely did it? On my rig before i installed the components it have more of everything on the right!! LOL!!
  4. hei ryan whats your front camber like? mine is -2 rear is 0.5. Feels great although the steering its a lottle bit sensitive.
  5. thats sucks man ground him for a say or two!!
  6. Ohhh COol man!! GARY is back!!!
  7. After i installed the front link and rear adjustable camber arm. I ended up getting -2camber in the front and the rears went from -2.69 to -0.5. The car felt very nice. More road feel, shrper steering and the rear grips when especially in windy roads. Took the car out for a drive to melbourne through toobrack, lancefield kilmore way. Very nice!!
  8. do you know your spring rates? My spring rates are F8 R 9 and they are firm but nice. I had them revalves see my signiture. Fulcrum suspension did mine in Marooka gold coast. It cost me A$900+ to rebuilt my HAs. Includes freint and GST. Cost may vary a little bit depending on what you need for the shocks. They will test it first and if its shagged they will pull one apart and let you know on the costings before they proceed. Very good service.
  9. i have exactly the same problem too. Theres a nasty winding road when i got to Bendigo its like a U turn on the middle of the hill and each time i turn it seems the tyres are slipping at the rears. Sort of felt like going into a dip and the car bounce back. I installed the tein read my signiture for specs.
  10. ok thanks for the tip
  11. Hi gus, just wanted to pull the castor rods out. Now how do i do it? Do i have to remove the whole lower arm then remove the castor rods or wat? My rig is exactly the same as R33gtr 98. Appreciated the help.
  12. a;so wat the next step of upgrade after GTSS? or is it just a matter of upgrading the turbo, injectors and rebuilt the internals??
  13. if i get the Gtss and down the road i blow them can i get them rebuild with the same specifications?
  14. OK i will settel for a smaller injectors. A 555cc is enough? What capacity are the 555cc injectors working at if im pumping out say 320kw@wheels which is roughly 390kw@craml? I never like to max out a capacity of an equipment. I like to leave it at 80% capacity instead of having to work out max. But i think now i will go for the 2860R -5. Should this be sufficient to make 320kw@wheels? And will the 555cc injectors match the turbos? Im also confused between the terms GTSS and 2860R-5. Im presuming that the power output is fairly similar? And "GTSS" is just a garret turbo market. The euilvalent to the "GTSS" is the 2860R -5? Theres about A$800 difference between the 2turbos. Is it worth it to buy the Hks "GTSS"? Or just get the 2860R -5? Thanks guys for the input. What would i do without you guys.
  15. im thinking lon term too. If holden decides to put out a smoking HSV with 400kw we can let the HSV smoke me right? So get the biggest injectors and when i want to use its there dont need to waste 2x the $$
  16. opps soz i meant fuel pressure regulator. Motor condition is good. When i got the car its done 60k and its dead stock. Not even an exhaust system.
  17. LOL!!! yea thats what i thought too. All high speed turbines and jet engines uses journal bearing like my irrgation pump which is a groundfos. pulled it aprat the other and its got a journal bearing at the bottom of it. Now what the maximum limits in terms of Hp or kw can i get the car into with stock internals? Long term realibitlity. Cos thats whats going to govern of which turbo to get. Im cureently looking for parts like : 800cc injectors bosh 044 fuel pump FRPs AFms havent decide which turbo yet?!
  18. how much for a -7? delivered to melbourne
  19. we shall see im preety hard on journal bearing. Where can i get them rebuilt? For cheaps of course. with journal bearing.
  20. As far as i know journal bearings are used for high speed applications. And its more precise in terms of the siiting of the shaft and the bearing itself. In a ball bearing it will have a minute play in the shaft due to the ball bearings.
  21. Hi guys, im thinking of buying a blown turbo. Its 34N1 1441-AA403. It can pump 500ps. Is it worth it to get it high flowed? Im looking into making 320kw@4wheels. Or should i just save up and go for a GTSS? Im thinking if im getting it highlowed for the blown turbo i will put in a journal bearing instead of a ball bearing for a quicker response. Where can i get the turbos highlowed with journal bearing? And how much? Is it worth it and the effeort of getting the turbo higlowed? Differeces in perforamnce compared to the cost of highflowed and a GTSS? My rig is actuall a 260rs which is basically a r33gtr. Will be using the rig only on the street though. Appreciate for any opinions or comments.
  22. if it was me i rather not wash the car with a bucket at all. Cos it will scratch the paint big time. Im using a high pressure washer to wash my car. No water restictions cos im on tank water!! And i have put in a 3 micron pre filter on the supply line and my car is clean ass when its got a shower!!
  23. well i have no plans for much bigger power. Unless Holden rolls out freaking 400kw commodore or something then i will upgrade to a bigger turbo. Cant let those holdens or fords smoke mee!!!. I will be aiming for in between 320-350kw@wheels. I even bought a nismo twin plate already to be ready for the upgrade.
  24. well im thinking of going 800cc for the injectors the extra capacity for down the track and a 044 pump. Hpw about the internals of the engine? Will it be able to cope with the extra power? What is the limit interms of kw that a std engine internals can withstand?
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