Car make/type/model: Nissan Skyline R33 sedan gts25t
Year: 1995
Overall condition of car: 7/10 Everything works, paint is good, interior is good, engine is good...
How is the car treated: 5/10 Give it a squirt, but mostly driving like a granny
Maintenance level: 8/10 Serviced every 5000kms with full checkups, parts are replaced when needed etc
Modifications: zorst, gtr cat, pod filter
Insurance: Full comp: NRMA = $1014 being a sedan with ($600 excess + $400 age excess (under 25) for claims)
Estimaged power: 160ish at the rw
Estimated to the tank fuel usage: I don't run mine empty, I get 400kms comfortably and fill up with usually 45 - 48 L of 98 octane
Estimated $ spent per year to maintain: $500 / month (NOT COUNTING UPGRADES or Registration), couting petrol, services, and avg fixes. Some times this last month I have spent well over $2500 on it due to replacing parts etc.
Best advice is to listen carefully to it lol, if it makes weird noises - TAKE IT IN TO A SHOP. And make sure you try a few places untill you feel you found the best place. I think when it comes to checkups and services, if you know they are doing a good job, its worth a little extra. Make sure you talk to your mechanics, not just about your car but be nice to them etc, this has saved me alot of $$$