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About gts_koop

  • Birthday 21/04/1998

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  1. ^ this! And wtf, who steals a car then proceeds to modify it.....? O_o Anyway, best of luck getting it back to It's former glory!
  2. ^lol I actually don't mind the Odyssey....as far as people movers go anyway. Low with strong offset rims, they look pimp. But yeah, bit of an insult when mistaken with an m35...
  3. Just today, an m35 pulled on to the freeway and cruised next to us for a bit, my sister did a tripple take on it and just as it cruised past us, she says "hmmm, that's a cool Nissan wagon, sorta like yours yeah"? I reply with a smile "yeah it is, It's the newer model stagea" thinking to myself that was a good pickup by her as she's no car nut by any means, and she DIDN'T call it a Volvo! Low an behold, the next thing to come out of her mouth......"geez it kinda looks like a Volvo though". I facepalmed...
  4. Crap news dude, but sounds like it'll be a much more fun tow car when back on the road! Out of interest, how much power were you making with the old setup, and how much are you expecting from the high flow and fuel upgrades?
  5. If it is a blown exhaust wheel, how long have you been running 12psi? Seems a pretty low key set-up...surprised it'd cause the wheel to blow off? How many km's do you have?
  6. I'm just going to fit the justjap 'no holes' return flow fmic kit. It's tried and tested, proven and allows you to retain your airbox making it totally legal (in Vic anyway). Custom is always a little nicer, but I'd be betting by the time you're done fabricating the core and piping, it'd be more than double the jj kit.. Sorry just read that you plan on retaining stock piping....might be worth fabricating the core after all. Will be watching this thread
  7. Pretty sure you'd pass at most places. Sandard ser. 2 rims are 17x7 +30. Doubt the rwc place is going take the rims off to check width..
  8. Unreal... How long did the process take from start to finish? And will it affect how the light streams etc? Love the look! Any pics of them back on the car?
  9. I hear ya dude....but It's suspension, if she's not too cluey just slap them in and shell be non the wiser. Or tell her they're super cheap and that you'll get the smae sort of $ for your stock stuff. Aaaaalways ways around the missus whip
  10. Mine is unrelated to stagea's, but I snapped up 4CFED back when Vic first allowed for number first plates
  11. ^best factory Nissan rim ever. Offset is +30 btw
  12. I think it could be done 'fairly' easily. You'd need to run spacers to shift the inner part of the rim away from the rear shock and front camber arm. I'd guess at least 10-15mm. Then you'd definitely need to roll your guards quite aggressively...or purchase over fenders. Will look pretty tough if you don't mind a bit of mucking around to get it together. For your reference, from what I've heard the best rim combo to slip straight on with no mods is 9-9.5" width with around a +12 or thereabouts offset
  13. If you've got an auto, go for the buy it now....good price imo.
  14. Ah of course, the answer is right there....auto only for these teins. Ah well no good for me anyway, at least I don't feel like I'm missing out lol
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