I'll add my experience with what i have observed with a particular raws in Sydney. Recently we got a job in with an import just for a general service. The guy also asked if we can fit child restraints as they were never installed. I thought, wtf. That's one of the integral parts of having an import properly complied..
Since we are a raws with most of the hands on stuff done by myself, I know what should be done to all imports. Well this particular car had so much work left out, it was bordering on being a potential danger on the roads. I felt incredibly ashamed on the industry that I work in, honestly. The child restraint anchors only costs a few dollars and takes about 30 minutes to install for a person who knows what he's doing. Some cars like M35's takes considerably longer as you need to remove a lot of trims in the boot, and there's a special way to fit the anchors properly, but nevertheless, it's not a difficult job.
Back to this car. Things I can remember that were left out during compliancing was.
- child restraints
- replacing lens on side mirrors
- air filter
- tyres, non-dot approved
- cat
I'd also question if the oil had been changed as well but obviously, I couldn't tell as the owner had driven it for a few thou kms already.
So I totally agree on what Richard said. The entire import industry is in shambles from so many dodgey operators not doing their jobs properly. Raws are undercutting one another just so they can get the business and quite often, will cut corners themselves in the process when a car is being complied.