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Everything posted by MK2

  1. Yeah, but for the love of god, think of all the homeless young tacho's that have a tin roof over their head thanks too bogans in slow cars thinking they want too go fast. I mean, if it wasnt for some knuckle dragger strapping it too a 'yundi, commo or falcon they'd only find maybe 100 genuine homes for the poor things a year and its a good home too. They'll never be worked more than 40-50% of their capacity if theyre even hooked up at all.
  2. Guess money buys lots of things, not neccessarily taste though.
  3. Theyre slightly smaller, weight wise than some of the big landy's and patrols with a GM Atlas truck motor in em. Basically the softy-poofta version of the military one, dunno if theyre any good as an off road vehicle I'd have too ask some of the 4wd nuts at work when they get back from their Tassie trip if they know what theyre like. Cant see them landing them here for much less than 75-85k though and thats not exactly cheap and probably not that most owners would take them too play where rocks, sticks and mud could gunk em up.
  4. "Rice" is one of those over-used terms, back in my day it was the harley owners bagging out jap bikes (lol) and eventually wandered over into the 4-wheel world where its stuck like shit too a blanket, but hey cant expect anything real original I 'spose. Theres nothing wrong with making your car look good, even if its a hunk of poo in someone elses eyes, shine up the shiny bits, patch in something colourful where it was stock-grey and make it look all tidy and mechanically cool. Its hot-rodding. Women have botox, plastic surgery and titty implants, men do up cars.... mmm titties... Anyway, What 'looks good' is an extremely subjective thing. Most people dont have any clue about what actually looks good, but they know what they like and hence some of the 'fashion disasters' of the automotive industry and private vehicle ownership. What people like, is not always good looking... sometimes theres a general consensus amongst a group of people what they like, even if it looks like a dogs rectum and hence the nightmare begins. Basically, there is no rice, there is just what looks good on the vehicle and there is what looks like shit.
  5. Yeah thats the thing which has got me buggered as well why its about 15-20c a litre more with cheaper additives
  6. Theres heaps of mechanical reasons why I sold my old V6 supercharged VT and 5.7L VX. (They used too literally buy palattes of brake disks for the VX at the dealership ) They just arent very good at all and why I drive a 15yr old import toys, they don't give me anywhere near the amount of shit really and a lot more fun to drive. The recall is a minor quibble really which is being beat-up into basically a bit of hate fest, which in part is due too the extraordinary publicity and beat-up on how good theyre supposed too be. However in Holden's small bit of defence they arent all that bad but just not good enough too ever make me want too buy one again and I'd put it under the same type of thing as the XR6's. Wait for a series 2
  7. Probably vapour http://www.leftlanenews.com/2006/08/15/rep...new-sc-in-2008/
  8. MK2

    Spy Shots Finally.

    Which lets face it, isnt most americans who think in 1/4mile and not much else, guess theres the handful of people outside of NASCAR that actually know how too turn right as well as left.
  9. Yeah I told them he was a japanese pornstar, theyre still trying too figure out the gender from the pix I put up but at least half of them didnt care.
  10. Well I guess if you count f-all and none as a chance then, yeah... you arent going to be bringing anymore shame too us poor S13 owners again are you?
  11. You're a P-Plater You dont go fast.
  12. Save up another 5grand, then maybe have a look at something like an S15 200SX Autech, theyre a really sweet looking car, pretty damn good power for an SR20DE (think around 148kw) and theres a few coming into the country around the 25-28g mark
  13. It's rooted. Time for the RB25DET upgrade! Or if youre still keen on RB20's then have a hunt around for a short motor, dont worry, youre not the first person too blow up an engine but the cost too repair most of that would probably be much more than its worth in the end unless it was something you could do most of yourself.
  14. MK's take on car colours Black: The colour police pull over for random drug searches Silver: The colour old people get Green: Hippy or lunatic Yellow: Most likely to be found doing 120km/h in a school zone Blue: Will break down or crash Gray: I am on sedatives Red: Welcome to middle age! Pink: Rampant whore/arse banditry ahoy White: Whoa! Don't make too many tough decisions Cream: Still waiting to come out of the closet Other less common colours- Purple: Contains a mental malfunction Orange: Road rage incoming! Pastels: More confused sexuality Colour changing paint: Attention whore
  15. Yeah for him, he'll never get booked speeding One thing I never liked about targa tops was the fact that at about this age they do tend too perish, leak and it can be expensive/annoying too find decent seals for them. Stick with the 33 IMO for the reasons other people mentioned, I guess if you wanted something 'different' a N/A, Mk4 supra or something with the 3L motor isnt a bad car and easier too live with mechanically.
  16. Also because either the temperature while it was drying wasnt uniform and/or there was a lot of humidity
  17. Keep it in the garage, after you get stung for something thats not ADR approved it'll come in useful.
  18. Think the HR33's are an RB20DE, the ECR's & ECNR33's are an RB25DE or DET
  19. Watch it on the Tassie roads, the gnomes tend too mark their territory down there on corners and stuff. Also next time just get a bigger tubbo so bolts, washers, gnomes and stuff can pass through the bigger fan blades and wont get broken.
  20. The black-top SR20DET in them is also a very good motor which is fairly easy to push too 200rwkw without spending insane amounts of money, doesnt matter about the colour if youre throwing a wide body kit on it as youre just going to end up respraying it all anyway. Plenty of them on car forums and classifieds, 14G should get you something straight, unmodified or mostly unmolested with about 100-180,000 genuine km on it. Later model ones the 97 and 98's tend to be priced higher around the 16-20k mark.
  21. Really like the look of these, that classic late 80's early 90's styling (yeah alright I'm old too...) and with a bit of a 50mm drop, decent rims and rubber they'd be an even better looking cruiser.
  22. There's not a lot of US comedians that do sarcasm well, including this guy, sorta amusing at first but by the 2min mark its all over
  23. This is my old Tamiya 1/10 scale Calsonic Skyline on a TL-01 chassis, its a bit rough and could use a new shell but underneath it all its set up for sprint/touring with a Novak Cyclone programmable speed controller and a brand new Tamiya RZ Super-Stock motor (27500rpm ) Just started getting back into RC slowly, mostly the boys at work and me ripping up the carpark on boring night shifts
  24. Statistics are basically the numerical equivalent of punching the opposition in the head when the ref is looking somewhere else, theyre the great big mathematical 'fudge' that people fiddle with too prove something out with only a passing relevance too hard facts. Hard facts are things like P-Platers making up bugger all of the larger driving population and saying that a larger percentage of them dying is in the process of cutting percentages in half and then making that figure look comparatively huge in the greater scheme of things. A more rubbery fact is the government simply does not give a f**k. Pay your fees, rego, insurance, petrol tax and fines and leave us all alone, they dont want to know about you dying unless its politically expedient to get votes around the silly season up too an election. Like last year over xmas we had the entire country- 83 people die on the roads, 21 of them in NSW 1 person in Qld gets bitten to death by a shark NSW government holds a shark attack forum for the holiday period to make sure we dont get bitten to death... Heres a hint Youre chances of being bitten to death by pretty much anything running around in the wild is so f**king remote, its really not worth worrying about! You have a better chance of being beaten to death in your own living room by someone you know or mauled by a pet dog and bleed to death than being bitten by something swimming around in the ocean and dying from it. Why have a shark attack forum instead of a road toll forum? Same reason you wouldnt bet on a 3 legged greyhound in a race and why you'd bet on the other greyhound that just killed the favorite to win in the race and the other runners are cowering in the stalls not willing to go f**king anywhere! Car accident, people die, we hear that all the time, so what. Shark attack, holy shit! we dont hear much of that, lucky the good ol government is out there making sure I dont get my arse bitten off down at the beach. Even though I dont go there, good on em looking out for us ay! Well paint me with artificial tan and f**k me stupid, dont I feel safer already that some dickslapper who won a popularity contest thinks we should be protected from angry fish. Hard fact Backing any kind of road safety campaign when youre a politician is a lost cause. Not only are you trying too stop people dying who you dont really care about but you've also got all these other factors coming in to make it all messed up at the end of the period. -People cannot drive worth a damn -Shit happens, sometimes you just get plain unlucky and die in several tons of vehicle moving at speed -Drivers education costs money, which can be better spent on political perks and pockets -Fines, which scare people into looking at the speedo more than the road are easier than any kind of training and it also makes you money -Blame young people, firstly theyre a minority so they cant fight back, too apathetic to fight back and no one over 40 (which makes up the largest voting lump of the population) likes young people theyre noisy, daft and listen too funny music too loud. They must be to blame for all the worlds woes, so beat on them a bit more all the oldies love that shit, damn young people... -Blame a minority group for not speaking english and the fact they got their licence for driving a water buffalo around a rice paddy after bribing the local equivalent of the RTA with some home made hooch and fifty peso's. Not only do you get the good ol' race vote shit happening, with some un-Australian hatin' makes you popular when youre a politician, especially if its federal because all the people hiding behind cloaked racism can vote without fear of being burnt by the more liberal minded. -Blame the RTA for not fixing the roads, in the meantime spend some more of that fine money on building a road to no where, then sell it to some 'funny furriners' that aint from around these parts and make a bundle. If anyone wants to have a hatin' about the road tolls, they can blame the investers from overseas who are faceless and far away, but most importantly, far away from you. -Stupidity, the capacity for human stupidity is endless and there really is no point in trying to fight stupidity because it comes in infinate amounts and genius comes in molecules which could fit on a pin head, chances are youre not a genious so stop trying to aspire to great heights. I'm sorry, but any politician backing the 'Stop the Road deaths' to get anywhere in this country is kicking shit up hill from day one, its loser talk. Somewhere, someone is loading up a car full of 17-18 year olds and its gunna lead too tears after their untrained, underskilled selves decide too take a risk, because risks are fun and it makes you look tough in front of the chicks and your mates. Sometimes it ends up with tears, sometimes it ends up with dead shitheads being peeled off the road by some poor ambo or emergency services guy just too really turn him off eating steak later on. So not are we going up against- Gutless politicians Stupid citizens No interest in education No chance of anything happening because people think it will violate the politically correct law of 'I can do the f**k what I want in this country because god damnit I'm a sentient monkey with thumbs and horsepower' That law might not be written anywhere but no one is ever going to damn well touch it because it gives everyone the shits and in this case of road deaths, everyone is to blame. It's all well and good to think, well its only natural selection getting rid of the weak, slow and stupid because we lack large amounts of bitey animals too kill them off, but until it comes down too you, someone you love or someone you even like being wiped out by some under-trained knob end on the road, its just all fun, games, news and statistics. /rant off
  25. Guess its no different too any other type of market demographic, holden have been slinging car adds to make old, impotent men in a mid life crisis feel better about their hsv's for years.
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