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Everything posted by MK2

  1. MK2

    New Civic Type R

    Engine looks like it will be a pain in the arse too do anything on, aside from that its a nice looking car but like most of those bloody front wheel drives throwing too much power through the front pegs you end up wrestling with them more than driving.
  2. Means they might start making good cars again?
  3. lol you #$*!ing bastard it took me bloody months too find a car exactly like that in Japan and have it shipped over but least it was the first of the 2L K's, rest where ho-hum Q's and CA's at the time and original f**kmebabyfactory black. It was owned by a hairdresser, smelled like Taft hairspray which took a month to get out and the stupid bint had dropped nailpolish over the passengers seat, but apparently not driven in anger much, sexual frustration maybe but never anger. Do like your photos though, pity the first couple of pages are bandwidth exceeded one though
  4. Har, they'll roll past the donut shop and get defected by the rozzers, then it'll turn into Epaballrun.
  5. This is a real tragedy for Australian motorsport and for a lot of us that grew up watching him race losing a sportsman we looked up too, very heartbreaking
  6. Probably using GSM (or assisted GPS) for the anti-theft and GPS for fleet tracking.
  7. End of the first one there you'd like to blame the viper for being a wallowing POS, but he just doesnt turn!
  8. Just buy an old 250cc 4-stroke trail bike, throw some decent road-trail rubber on them, paint it matt-black with $7 spraypaint and they go anywhere (like speedhumps, kerbs, medium strips, nature strips, footpaths... hehe!) dont cost very much and no one steals the f**king things because theyre ugly, noisy and look like theyre owned by someone who will rip your cock off and kill your pets. It doesnt matter who's riding a scooter in Australia, you could be Clint Eastwood with a 44magnum, a keg of beer strapped to each side and a highway patrol officer being dragged by a length of chain behind it and youre still going too be a rampaging arse bandit in the eyes of pretty much everyone.
  9. Best place for the internal illumination on them (after you've plugged the important widgets in that actually do shit) I found easiest was too run wires off the 'dimmer' switch, which your imported vehicle should have after it was complied. Personally I dont like the bright pretty gauges, theyre distracting more than anything and I'm kind of stupid as it is...
  10. Everyone makes 'em in a wind tunnel With a computer With economy of material Designers are the guys who just fob-em off too people and decide what colour badge and how big its going too wear along with the 'options' package of plastic, colour and other factory bolt on bits. I'm not suprised. But no sir I dont like the dull eye for a straight guy in car design lately.
  11. If by that you mean hurling a rod through the side of the block problem is caused by oil? Most of the time I've seen it done its because someone in a Hyundai thought they where in the WRC. Theyre not bad little cars for what they are and what they cost, provided theyre just used for the purpose theyre made for, which is just tootlin' from A-B and not being f**ked like like its the only bit of tail the owner is ever going too get.
  12. They dont run on happy-thoughts and the smell of an oily rag to make the power they do, however Joe Smoe buyer thinks they might or really doesnt care one way or another and buys them anyway.
  13. Guess if youre missing a socket or something after you buttoned it up might be a clue ed- damn that looks hurty expensive...
  14. Most cam work on LS1's, least when I had one was a case of getting new valve springs, pushrods, new gaskets and a better timing chain, which any way you look at it is major surgery. While its cracked open most people will opt for port, polish and nicely tuned extractors as well so calling it 'stock' would be generous at best and bullshit at worst.
  15. My dad's boss tried too 'give' me a ford capri for some stupidly cheap price about 7-8 years ago just too get it off the lot. In retrospect I guess I could have made some money selling it to some sucker but I didnt think adding too the vicious circle of stupidity was something which would rest easy on my concience. I bought a 20 odd year old 180B instead, it only leaked in one spot, wouldnt break down and people didnt think I was some flaming arse bandit Respray it a nasty pink, all shiny and then sell it to some 17 year old chick, they like em, though if her dad hunts you down for selling his daughter a lemon I wouldnt blame him...
  16. Its a bit hard too tell under the rain and poor light but the photo's dont do the paintwork justice either. Thats a really nice dark purple paintjob there, it'll be a completely different animal though with those wheel arches filled out with some massive rubber and very tough! Notch her up too a work in progress and I really like it.
  17. Think if you lived that far away and where getting harassed that much just walk the 30mins and get fit. My best effort was 3times for RBT's in 25minutes on the way too work after some public holiday, turned a 25minute trip into 45minutes...
  18. If you've owned the car for about 12months overseas then it can be brought over and run through compliancing, being its a skyline it would be fine under a special interest or utility vehicle. However, being its modified is an area I'm unfamiliar with as its been 6years since I imported one so I think it has too be ripped back too complete stock for its compliancing or being its modified you might only be able too bring it into the country for race/rally use in which case you'd need a Cams licence. Fuzzy area for me, been years since I waded through the paperwork so its probably out of date, theres a few car importers on the forum though which will have the info. Shipping will take a fair while, 3-6 weeks I think from UK too Au. I dunno man, in all honesty its quite easy too get something the equivalent or better over here, I know you dont want too hear it but it would be bullshit too say otherwise. You'll spend a lot on the compliancing which you'd lose anyway on your local resale and a f**kload on the shipping. edit- ah you've got an R33GTST, theyre extremely common over here. Everyones owned, owns or knows someone first hand who's got an R33GTST
  19. Metal cable ties along the driveshaft Milk down the front air vents near the windscreen Pack the doorhandles with vasoline
  20. Vortex, Ive had similar problems on, its cheap and its shit.
  21. 'cause we all know teh Rezz cant get enough of the spinnarz and a tyre footprint wider than most roads on a 3ton wallowing behemoth Personally the bewbs are fine and theres no such thing as a false bewb, if you can touch them at a motorshow, theyre real
  22. When I had the VX commo ex-cop car I used too get pulled over by the cops all the time checking it out to see if it was an ex-cop car, most just happy with the RBT and a chat I guess. Back when I first imported the sil in 2000 there wasnt many of them around and it was the only 2L K's about for donkeys years and coppers used too pull it over just to work out what the hell it was, just the usual RBT and the fact I'm not young probably helped along with not doing anything particually bogan-ish The fact the 'yobbo' branding that imports where yet too receive probably helped a bit too. About the only crap I ever got was recently when someone in a 'Black Sedan' was spotted doing 160km/h down a public road and I just happened too be in a 'black car' in the general area, that was genuinely unpleasent because they gave me an undeserved roasting, threats too follow me around and book me for so much as farting but no defect or EPA bullshit. Young hwy patrol guys and girls are the worst, they slop em out barely able too shave, the nuts have barely dropped, full of beans, something to prove and just looking for an excuse too haul out. Either that or they feed em angry pills at the station before sending them out...
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