One night after servicing my car with a mate he placed the carbon fibre/fibregalss bonnet down but didnt clip it in the whole way, i told him dont worry i'll do it after. I then moved my car outta the garage and drove his in and got to work on it.
A few hours later i was driving over to my parents place doin bout 80 when the bonnet came up! scared the shit outta me! i didnt even know what happened, it was at night and there werent many street lights,.. then BANG! everything went black. Suprisingly i didnt panic,.. i seen a small amount of light from the very bottom of the windscreen and looked through that to pull my car over to the side of the road. When i got out and seen what happened i was pissed! The bonnet was hard up against the glass and was flimsy as and the roof was caved all the way in to about 1/2 an inch above my head on the inside, looked like someone had jumped on the centre of my roof??!!... lucky!!! i ripped the bonnet back down and clipped it in as the carbon fibre had held but the reinforcement fibreglass on the inside was f**ked! The bonnet had flexed in the centre when it came into contact with the start of the roof and kind of whip lashed the tip of it into the centre of my roof. I got inside and pushed the roof back up before driving very slowly the rest of the way to my parents place.
Next day i stripped the inside of the roof out and found that the "T" reinforcement pillar across centre and towards the windscreen had popped off and the glue that was holding it before needed to be re-glued. (the pillars are attached at the sides of the car with sheet metal tabs and the cross pillar is just to give stability to the roof if any weight is placed on it, Its not a roll bar as such),.. I went to a panel beaters and he gave me some glue that they use for that for $0 (Bears smash repair) and said that'll hold it (guess he felt sorry for me lol). I glued it up there and proped it up with whatever i could find, ie broom sticks cut to length and wedged between the pillar and the floor. I left it like that for a day or 2 and then removed the broom sticks, it held perfectly. The roof now has a small dint in the back right corner that i can pop out with a suction cap but sometimes a section about as big as my hand drops in a little untill i pop it back out from the inside.
It eats away at me every time i look at the roof cause to fully fix this im gonna need a new roof, but i dont have the money to do that since i just got my own place and im there by myself. To top it of me and my mate were talkin bout gettin some bonnet pins for my car when we were servicing it lol, all u can do is laugh...