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Everything posted by R33silverS2

  1. Wow thats a really good result, If i could do that on my rb25 i would be there for sure! What boost were you running for that? Yeh i really REALLY dislike the whole r&r thing, anyone knnow if it goes away completely with a e manage ultimate? Perhaps the e manage could be a good option as pfc are become increasinglty hard to find.
  2. Yeh i have thought about that as well, does it pretty much do the same job as a pfc whilst being a piggyback? It's just gotten to that costly stage where more power from here on starts to cost big bucks...
  3. I had the same issue when i put my fmic on. As the hybrid kit didn't have a nipple the guy at the workshop tee'd it into the bov vac hose and said it was all good which it wasn't! boost was ramping up to 1 bar, got a nipple welded onto the cooler pipe in the same position as the stock one and it seemed to fix the prob. Boost went down to about 9 psi i think - had full turboback exhaust put on as well. But the boost would always seem to creep up in the high revs evenb with the standard solenoid disconnected and blocked off. Tee-ing it into the bov hose also made the bov not function properly -DON'T DO IT! not you obviously as you have put a nipple on. Perhaps the vac line running from the cooler pipe to the wastgate has a split or fine crack in it causing the high boost. or the standard solenoid could be faulty - perhaps get rid of the standard solenoid if not already.
  4. Thanks Adriano. Anyone running an aftermarket turbo with an safc? I saw a thread about it but no results were posted mostly just talk about the idea. And if so what power are people pulling?
  5. Ive got a bosch 040, yeh what you mean by wiring mod?
  6. Hey I know a lot of people on here are fans of the power fc, but I wanted to know if it was possible to put on a high flow or aftermarket turbo and run it with the safcII? Obviously you can bolt on whatever fits pretty much, but what i mean is can you make good power out of for example a highflow with an safc? eg 220-230rwkw? Will the stock injectors cope at this level also? Thanks in advance
  7. Might be a silly question but was your car in the news paper when all these hoon laws started? Got re-possesed?
  8. I'm really keen to come only prob like the last couple of times is that they are always on saturdays when i work. Don't suppose Sunday is ever an option...
  9. these are 5%'s in my sig.
  10. Wouldn't waiting 'till it dies' cause a gradual drop in fuel pressure and start to lean out the motor - detonating the engine?
  11. Id prob say not the s13. Can look tacky with bodykits etc, getting quite dated. s14 is a good choice if its series 2 olther wise the 33 looks the goods with the right kit and can be easily modified to the power level you want. The rb20 in the 32 will take a bit more to get to the same level.
  12. GTR ftw! Put mine on the other day looks sweet!
  13. Thanks guys found one.
  14. If anyone has a working afm up for grabs pm me. Thanks
  15. To be honest i have no idea they came on the car from japan, and do not have any centre caps or anything. They were originally silver. They are pretty wide not sure of the exact specs 17 * 9 maybe, the rear runs 255's.
  16. Thanks Ill check it out.
  17. Hey i am in need of a 100% working rb25det series 2 afm. Anyone in melb got one that is not being used? I will buy it and pick up. Thanks!
  18. Hey I'm after the drivers side front inner gaurd lining. You know the plastic sheet thing that is between the tyre and the inside of the wheel arch. let me know if you have it cos i will definately buy it off you. cheers
  19. Yeh i know they were thats why i was so confused about the whole thing. Anyway that was a while ago, turns out the the 02 sensor and the fuel pump were both pretty screwed when the first 'tuner' so he called himself, tried to tune it, which is why it was so all over the place and had positive correction. I took it elsewhere to get checked out and got a new pump and sensor, with a re-tune of the safc and it all runs good now. simular correction to above.
  20. Pods been on there since i got the car, so it had been running fine for the most part previously. Just seems odd cos its not like i have changes something ecently casuing this to happen. It just happened by it self sorta thing. Perhaps certain components are starting to fail or need cleaning etc.
  21. Yeh all possibilities i guess that i will have to look into. Thanks to those who replied. Thing is i just came back home now and it was driving like normal again... but it did it yesterday as well for a bit, so it seems very temperomental. When it was doing it earlier this afternoon it was quite warm, i popped the bonnet to check all the vac lines etc for leaks (none found) but i touched the front of the pod and it was damn hot. The pod itself is stainless steel so i guess it heats up quite a bit (un-shielded) - bad i know... shame shame. Could it be as simple as this?? As in requiring a heat shield for the pod and a clean of the afm possibly?? I noticed that some people are not very convinced on the stainless pod's filtering potential (blitz). I havent noticed it doing it when the whether is cold, but thats purely cos the problem has only seem to have arisen in the last couple of days, and haven really been testing it in different conditions. Would sucking in really hot air be the problem maybe?? perhaps amongst other things like plugs etc...
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