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Everything posted by R33silverS2

  1. No Probs I hit it for the first time the other day had me scratching my head also A lot of people i think believe R&R and whatever cut we must of experienced is the same thing...
  2. People always seem to say that there is no such thing as boost cut in skylines and its just rich and retard, but im still not convinced. Ive hit rich and retard many times and it is nothing like the boost / fuel cut. The whole car comes to a hault and switches the power fully off momentarily - basically if you aint got a seatbelt on and hit the fuel cut you could go flying forward into the damn windshield. Now that is not R&R
  3. That looks awesome, ive been searching for different options to change the boring standard cluster, was gonna go with those white reverse gauge things but might just use some of those leds, good work!
  4. Hey what are the tell signs that the stock fuel pump is nearing the end of its days?? Obviously running lean afr's would be one, but are there any signs or symptoms that you can notice with street driving?? like how you can tell if the clutch is going...
  5. Is this in monitor mode or sensor check in ETC? in sensor check at idle mine is like 0036 or something from memory, in monitor i have only seen 0.
  6. Does anyone think that it could be another component causing the problem that just coincidently happened after the safcII tune, 2 hrs hard reving on the dyno etc??? Coil packs?? or would it defienately be a fuel cut. Basically feels like someone slams the brakes on for a sec and if you arn't wearing a seatbelt you would fly forward..
  7. hmmm just wonder why it didn't seem to suffer from fuel cut before the safcII...
  8. boost controller is just a manual type one. I never hit this before the safcII was tuned. it's driving me crazy...
  9. bump, any idea's plz????
  10. I had the same problem when mine was installed (i did not do it myself) the mechanic tee'd the line running to the wastgate into the bov hose as there was no nipple, would run about five pound or so till stage two boost then it would hit as you said the +7, you will need to get a nipple TIG welded where the nipple on the standard cooler pipe work would be. Why these kits don't have em is beyond me...
  11. Ok I am not reffering to the rich and retard mode which gives you the power dip, but rather a violent cut / stop when on WOT. I had my SAFCII dyno tuned and when i first drove the car all was fine. WOT 11psi all good. Then later that night i went to give it a squirt in second and as the boost pushed 11 and was on the increase, usually gets to about 12 for a bit then drops back down, the car violently cut out and felt like the brakes had been slammed on. I have done heaps of searching on fuel / boost cuts and rich and reatrd etc but I have only now experienced theis problem after i got my SAFCII installed and tuned. Before the SAFCII the car could go to around 1 bar without this violent cut business. Over 11 it would usually expereince the reatarding and richening up of mixtures but never cut out like that. Anyone know why this is happening now with the safcII??? IT was quite cold outside but the boost certainly didn't get over 12psi, and it did it in 2nd and forth - feels terrible! Ideas's Comments?? Thanks
  12. If your outer rolling diameter has increased, did you then re-calibrate the speedo?
  13. I was under the impression that the dose sound came from the front mount intercooler when the bov was blocked... or does the sound just flutter out of the pod filter?
  14. Trust me i'd love one, just that the bank acc wont let me...
  15. I'm just suprised that you were impressed by the sound and thats what made you think something different was going on. striaght six always sounds better than a 4 cyl imo. But yeh has been done. i'd go the rb25 route.
  16. cool thanks guys, I installed it today with all the readings n stuff coming up fine so i'll just have to go get it tuned on the dyno next week - can't wait. fingers crossed for some better fuel econ and less noticable flat spots at least.
  17. ok i know obviously a power fc would be the best option to overcome this but would it be possible to manually adavance the timimg on the cas along with a tuned safcII that way it wouldn't be running so rich and the advancement in timing could counterbalance the retardation by the ecu??
  18. Somehow I dont think everyone would think that... Go the 32 though, 300zx has a very cramped engine bay and is hard to work on, the 32 will not only modify easier but looks better to, the 300 looks very dated imo especially the back.
  19. Can't say i totally agree, as in i have a atmospheric bov along with a lot of people on this forum and my car does not stall. a lot of the turbosmart atmo bov's like mine (stage 2) have an adjustable spring rate by turning the head of the bov, by doing this you can achive the correct spring compression which will keep the bov closed during idle and hence not stall. I agree that the afm has measured a certain amount of air which is then changed by the bov when it vents and hence the afr's are out of wak a times during shifts but you can still run one on your car without dramas. I have had my stage 2 for about 6 months works fine. Also have one on an s15 and no problems either.
  20. Great Sounds good, that is quite a large result. I got mine today and am very keen on getting it tuned asap! I'm still running the standard turbo and at this stage don't plan on upgrading as 180 - 200rwkw will be quite sufficient for me as a street car. When i get it tuned and dynoed i will post the results. atm i have xforce 3" stainless turbo back, hybrid fmic, blitz stainless pod, turbosmart bov, 11psi of boost, and soon to be tuned safcII . I considered the pfc route but figured it would be more beneficial if i had an aftermarket turbo or hi-flow etc. Just sick of flat spots and terrible fuel econ!
  21. skirts FTW!! Skirts make skylines look heaps better imo, lower and fatter looking, body looks to high and round without em.
  22. thanks ryanrb25 any other idea's from people with safc? has it stopped the retarding of timing??
  23. I first i thought everyone was over reacting a bit but on second thoughts i agree totally with them. My parents had a big say in my first car which was a 1991 manual celica. (Ofcourse I wanted a 180 or gt4 or skyline) but is was a good car to learn in which i drove for three years before getting my gtst. I was able to do quite a few modifications which kept things interesting, mostly cosmetic, rims, lowered, tint etc etc and even with a relatively low powered car (compared with the gtst) i still managed to stack it in the wet cos i thought i was the worlds best driver... god knows what could of happened if it was a gtst and not my 100kw cel. Believe me i know plenty of kids who got quick cars as there first (generally parent funded) and saw a lot of them crashed or written off. Btw that fuel economy is unbeleivable! i'm averaging 300 to 330km per tank, you are very lucky.
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