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Everything posted by R33silverS2

  1. I'm all for it, (mostly the engine) i'm pretty keen on the styling of the 350 esp (black, nice and low, diashed rims...) but for me the engine was the only drawback, as in performance wise. Yet this new one could be quite a performer. Wonder how quick it would be?
  2. Hey I have an safcII being delivered to me as my car runs real rich with noticable flat spots in the rev range. My question is though does the SAFCII help to stop R&R? As in could i run ( hypothetically) 12+psi and not get bogged down by the rich and retard mode? Or would a require a fuel cut defender? I understand it intercepts the signal running to the ecu telling it that is is recieving less air than the car really is but by doing this does it also prevent the timing from being retarted at higher boost?
  3. wow looks better today than yesterday.
  4. wtf...... seriously
  5. looks good...
  6. It could just be one of your coil packs causing the problem. if you replaced them with splitfires then i could be wrong. you cannot see the cracks i found so i just taped them all up and it ran fine. I did have my plugs re=gapped to .8mm though, also could be runnnin hella rich with std ecu.
  7. go the hair dryer route, has worked for me for many badges and stickers. just heat it up for a while then peel it back, should come off pretty easily.
  8. If they are anything like the headlight globes they should just kinda push in (the wire clip) and they kinda twist to the side but i am not completely sure as i have only changed the headlights. Just outta interest how did you get the indicator / fog surround out? i have a hybrid fmic so dont know if that is in the way for me.
  9. Industrial Design Student at Swinburne Prahran for 3 years now onto Monash to study Transportation Design
  10. One of the reasons i bought an s2 over the s1 besides the fact that i think they look better in stock form are some of the extra features like dual airbags, abs, smaller nicer steering wheel, more robust seat trim etc. I think the s2 generally looks a lot more refined and not as dated with its shaper headlights and bonnet ridge, the stock fog lights in the front bar and the rear wing looks better than the s1. The s1.5 is not a bad option, bigger front bar and rear wing looks good with a nice grille.
  11. Yes it is very annoying, my car crunches in forth when entered with high rpm from either second or third, anything over about 4k and crrruuuunnnncchhhh, even when i wait a while with the clutch pedal depressed and still crunch. I put the redline oil in and found it makes gear changes generally smoother put only really masks the problem as it definately did not go away. Anyone know how much new synchro's would be to put in? or how much a rebuild is?
  12. I found this true also, a mate of mine has a legacy gt with the twin turbo sequential setup and between 4 and 5 grand it feels like its off boost. Seems kinda odd as they gave it a smaller turbo to be on boost earlier but then it lags in the middle of the rev range anyway...
  13. I think you'll find as said above, that the 34 compared to the s15, or any model skyline compared with its silvia equivilant, is a much more robust car with generally a better build quality. We have two s15's in my family along with my 33 and have driven many 34's and it is quite noticable. for example the doors etc feel a lot fuller than the tinnie feeling silvia. that said though i still think the s15 is a top car, drives more like a go cart compared with a skyline. Also the jdm spec silvia's run higher boost from factory which is one of the reasons for the increase in power. We took out a approx 10cm vac line located near the standard solenoid on the silvia and replaced it with a generic fuel line and now have 1 bar of boost virtually for free.
  14. I got everything done at once over two days, turbo back exhaust, cooler etc so i dunno unfortunately.
  15. is it blue or an ultimate?
  16. do you think an rb20 actuator? or an aftermarket one of some description?
  17. As i said i experienced this problem after my exhaust install. - vic set my boost to 10 with manual controller and it will hold 10 till about 5000rpm then creep up to abou 12 by redline. and yes, the solenoid has been removed...
  18. are they drift r rims that have been powdercoated?
  19. I was always under the impression, from when i was looking anyway, that heaps and heaps were auto, all the auto's tend to be cheaper aswell. Maybe they are more rare in the gts versions, cos from what i remember you were looking at a non turbo.
  20. that thing looks soo wak.
  21. i have 5% on my car got it done about a month ago. Most tinting places will do whatever percentage you want you usually just have to pay them in cash though. just call any of them out of the yellow pages and ask for the % you want. I had 20%'s on my celica which i got done at tint a car, my 5%'s on my 33 were done by guys called southern cross window tinting.
  22. acknowledging that the gate is the problem, what is the solution if you want to keep the standard turbo?
  23. I have the boost creep problem as well. it only occured after i added my turbo back zorst and fmic. with the standard solenoid my car would hit one bar by about 6000rpm, i removed the solenoid from the system and now boost still creeps from 7 to about 10 or so by redline. i chucked on a boost controller which is set to 10 but by redline its at about 12... i'm pretty sure it's a problem with the gate.
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