My car has problems turning over when the motor is warm. On cold start it will turn over fine and first go. IT has a bosch 040 pump in it which has been flow tested and everything appears a ok. Everytime i start the car i prime the pump for 3 seconds or however long it takes for the whine to stop, in the morings it is fine, along with starting after leaving the car for a few hours. However the problem occurs when i have been for a decent drive, then switch off the engine and come back to the car about hlf an hour or an hour later. Pump primes as per normal and the car cranks like normal but it doesn't want to start and cranks for about twice as long before the motor then tries to start and then splutters off. Turning the key again at this point and it will start no probs.
This issue seemed to have arised after the bosch pump went in, so at first i was convinced it was something to do with the pump, but i have since had the pump looked at and tested and everything seems fine, that car also holds fuel pressure fine when driving. So the problem appears to be a combination of heat and time. My question is what could be causing this to happen? A shot sensor maybe? what sensors would be associated with startup? Could the fuelline be affected by heat? I'm really struggling to work this one out, cos it only happens afte the car has been driven for a bit then left for about an hour or so...
Any idea's??? anyone has simular hot start issues???
thanks heaps for any help
Edit: Replaced the pump and it fixed the problem, turns out the pump was the issue all along.