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Everything posted by hayden49

  1. Yeah i was thinking so. I kind of understand that cams help bigger turbos come on boost earlier and adding response? Must have a look at that rb25 thread. Cheers
  2. Well put me down for one and let me know when to pay by mate. Cheers
  3. Come on people! These look sex and apparently make your brakes feel better! Let me know when i have to pay by man. Cheers
  4. Hey all, Just wondering about the gains if i was to get a set of tomei poncams. At the moment my R33 has pretty much the average mods, full 3" exhaust, FMIC, pod, and a touch more boost on the standard turbo. i was thinking of getting a Power FC and installing these cams at the same time then when i have funds again getting a larger turbo and injectors and fuel pump and bumping up the boost abit more. Without having a bigger turbo or bigger injectors is it worth getting these cams? Cheers
  5. 1996 r33 gt-st mate. Put me down then. Cheers
  6. Do these come 100% ready to be fitted to the car in place of the stock item? If so put me down for some. Cheers
  7. So these come 100% ready to install on the car? No d*cking around at all? If so i'm in!
  8. Like many have said, there is nothing "basic" about building a rb25 to make 350rwkw. Its not a matter of buying a bunch of parts and slapping them on and voila 350rwkw appears. Your car will be off the road for some time and unless you can learn how to put an engine together yourself (its not that hard) dont expect change from 20-25k if your going to go all out. And really, whats the point in under taking such a project if your not going to do everything the right way the first time?
  9. Is the sound kinda like a " DUDUDUDUDUDUUDUDUD" sound? Mine had that about the same RPMS and it was the timing belt that needed changing. Oh and R33 gear boxes have become notorious for being f**cked and being crunchy. learn to live with a shitty gear box unless you want to spend big $$ either for a brand new box or getting it rebuilt. Cheers
  10. NEW PRICE $165! This would be handy to clear a defect you got for not having the factory airbag wheel installed! I want this gone!
  11. For sale is the factory airbag steering wheel from my series 2 r33 GT-ST. The wheel has wear marks down the right hand side but the airbag itself is in tact. Looking for $150 + postage. Can supply pics for anyone interested. Cheers
  12. Hey all, For sale is a Samsung 957DF 19" flat screen CRT monitor. Willing to part with it for $160 ONO + postage costs. This monitor is 2 years old and without a mark on it, excellent condition and awesome for playing games on. selling because i purchased a high end lcd and now have no need for this one. Feel free to read reviews on this model, you will be pleasantly suprised. Cheers!
  13. Mate where are these! It has been 3 months now! You told me a 6-8week wait. Im trying to stay patient but really, 3 months is a stretch mate. Please update this as soon as because at the moment i really cant afford to have $300 tied up in something i dont even have. Cheers
  14. Are my sills on the way mate? Pretty keen to get ahold of them. Cheers
  15. Look up "cleaning your AAC valve" in DIY, fixed my problems.
  16. Came out this morning to find my car has been keyed the entire length from the drivers side tail lights and finishes under the side mirrors in the middle of the drivers door. Fun times aye? So yeah looks like im getting the door and rear side panel re sprayed when i get money to do so. why the F*CK do people think its their god given right to destroy other peoples property!
  17. 21 2nd year Electrical Fitter Mechanic apprentice.
  18. A brand new box for $1500 or s/h? s/h you will most likely run into the same problems. My gbox is effed and makes horrible crunch gears and feels lashy. Pretty keen for a new one.
  19. JOC apply for energex.... many guys in my intake were 30+ so you can stop saying how no one will employ people over 20..... Its how much you want it, i cant rave how much i love my job... its very intense mathamatically wise but its all worth it in the end.. cheers
  20. lol $40,000k? for only 360rwhp? HAHAHAHAH your mate has been owned big time..... does he not know how to do anything himself? If he had 40,000k to spend on an engine he should of bought a twin turbo jza80 supra and spent the money to have an 800hp monster but each to his own i guess.... I have spent like 2k on my car for engine mods and am making in the vicinity of 260rwhp. I know that to go up i must get a new turbo, computer etc but i would still want to come out f*cking short of 40,000..... I hope that 40,000 inlcudes bodykits, wheels etc etc....
  21. Electrical fitter mechanic apprenticeship FTW. With this its possible to make over 200k a year in the mines, on oil rigs in the UAE pretty much anywhere. Im 20 and in my first year of apprenticesihp was taking 2k a fortnight. I work for energex which is the eletricity distribution mob up here but the apprenticeship is the same if your in nsw or vic. cheers
  22. Remote start is a wank and as chris said, most places WILL NOT insure an import with remote start fitted. Is it that hard to get in and use a key?.....
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