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Everything posted by hayden49

  1. Bam Magera = T3h c0CK smoke with to much money, k? but seriosuly, whos buys a ferrari then cuts the roof off with an angle grinder? Oh and btw those wheels are SH*T!
  2. On the way home from work this arvo, i notice a nv SS in traffic behind me weaving to catch up with me. gets beside me looks at me, gives it a blurt, then another, then ANOTHER then guns it and speeds off like he was expecting me to race him.... what a total BOGAN! He probably would of beaten me if we had raced as my 33 is pretty much stock cept for a catback and a blow off valve, but i dont really care, my d*ck isnt that small that i have to go around and show everyone how *tuff* my car is. what annoyed me the most was there was traffic maybe 200m infront of us and he speeds off like a total w*anker! no wonder why you see so many of them on the news smashed up. *sigh* will they ever learn?
  3. im 20, with just ripoff *cough* i mean just cars im paying $1400 a year for full comp on my 96 gt-st.
  4. Contact Chris Rogers on this site. he is the man to see about alarm installs, if i ever get my money back from my dodgy first install by another company, im going to him to get mine done.
  5. From what ive been told, the flutter has NOTHING to do with your bov. its actually the noise of the waste gate opeing and closing really fast. i was told it has somthing to do with the pressure difference in the plenum and the differnt pressure in the cooler pipes. Whether the spring is loose as it can be, or tight as can be it will still make the flutter. also when i installed my fmic, i didnt have a nipple on the cooler pipes so i used the vacum line running to the bov to run the vacum line was attached to the cooler, after that it started fluttering like crazy, and i was told as the vacum line running to the wastegate is now longer, the gate opens and closes continuously when you back off the throttle. Meh everyone has their own theory about what causes it.
  6. First things first, i tired the search function but it SUCKS and is hardly worth using. anyway, my 100k service is coming up and i need to get myself some spark plugs, im buying all the parts myself and getting someone to fit them. I know that NGK make good plugs but which ones to use? irridium? platinum? i know theyre expensive but im willing to pay good money for a good product. are there any other decent brands i should look at? also, does anyone know of any sites where i can order these online? the car is a 96 R33 Gt-st. cheers
  7. Yeah i was pretty cut the sunny coast thread got closed, true that some people where just talking sh*t but the mod who closed it could of at least said "keep it on topic or it will be locked".
  8. I thought the flutter noise was the wastegate opening and closing really fast? also, i didnt think that the standards turbo were big enough to get compressor surge?
  9. Yeah mate its normal, called induction noise! you will hear it alot more with pod filters then with a standard air box.
  10. This is obviously a joke yeah?
  11. I think you can get turbo smart gates for like 600ish if you look around? but then youd need a manifold suited to an external gate. also, if you turbo is internally gated, im not sure if you can run an external gate, infact, i think no, you cant at all.
  12. uDisregard what i just said, i re read the post.
  13. What waste gate are you running at the moment? your turbo isnt internally gated is it? also what brand gate is it?
  14. Hey just wondering if anyone here drives the blue 32 GT-R and just started working at maccas, apparently my girlfriend was talking to you about my car. haha being a girl she doesnt know if its a 32 or what but id be interested to come have a look at it. I used to work there up until 6 months ago. cheers
  15. My brakes make a squeaking noise like there is a high spot on the discs themselves as it happens slowly when im driving slowly and fast when im going fast. i took all my wheels off and spun the disc and its where the noise is coming from. i agree it makes you feel like your car is a pos but bleh who cares in the end. i think my discs have been machined as there is a lip on the outer edge. when i can afford it im going to get a set of DBA slotted rotors and better pads and hopefully they will sound abit better. cheers
  16. ok mate, cheers. ill give autobarn and repco a ring and see if they got one available. now just gotta track down those bearings....
  17. So a VL turbo water pump will be suitable for me to use when i get the 100k service done? Is there a particular brand i should use or just nissan oem product? will the 6mm on top not fitting matter? cheers
  18. Hey guys, my 100k service is coming up and i have heard that vl turbo water pumps are a direct bolt on for the r33? is it worth getting one to save a few $$ or should i just fork out more for the rb25det replacement pump? cheers
  19. Yeah my 100k service isnt due for another 13k's but my timing belt is making an unhealthy D D D D D D D noise at low revs so its time to change it. Im tring to source all the parts myself so the service doesnt cost me like $1000 all up.
  20. any ideas as to where id order the nsk bearings from? cheers
  21. These still for sale?
  22. Hey guys, ive just noticed that when driving really slowly with my windows down, there is a squeaking noise coming fromt my front brake discs. it sounds like there is a high spot on then as it only squeakes every 2-3 seconds, faster when im driving faster. any suggestions? thinking of taking my car to a brake specialist as it sounds pretty terrible. its not the sound of warn brake pads however. ppl look to say"omg that car sounds like its going to fall apart". almost sounds like the disc could be ever so slightly warped? cheers
  23. Totally agree about changine angels ever 0.003 seconds, christ its f*cing annoying!!!! you cant focus on anything before it changes! 1st is still the best to me even though its a rice fest, it had a half decent story. This movie sucks dead dogs dongers to the max!
  24. Saw this movie last night........ WHAT A BAG OF AIDS! The main characters girlfriend can NOT act for shit! Shes not even that hot! speaking of which, none of the other girls in the movie are hot, generally mingers. Half of the movies driving was poorly done cgi and generally there was no story. And wtf is with that chick drifting up in the hills casually talking about how she used to come up to the mountains? I almost spewed when she was talking that shit. bleh i still think the 1st is the best out of all of them. IMHO save your $12 that you will spend on the ticket and buy something worthwhile, like a bottle of passion pop, that will probably give you more entertainment.
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