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Everything posted by hayden49

  1. Again guys you get what you pay for. I bought one of the GKtech coolers and while the cooler itself was very good, im now going to have to fork out more to get custom stainless steel pipes made up for it as the gk pipes have the most piss poor fit of any kit i have seen. none of them line up when fitted and we had to cut 2 inches out of one pipe just to fit it to the cooler. Bleh you cant expect to much from a $400 kit.
  2. Gday mate. I recieved my fmic from the initial groupbuy today, and noticed that i did not recieve a installation guide with my kit? Is this normal?
  3. pretty sure most 33's have the clunky gear box, mine has it and just about every other person i have spoken to has it. get some red line gear box oil as i have heard this can cure the *clunky and crunchy* feel of 33 boxes. you may aswell try. cheers
  4. I have the R34 Air con condensor and condensor dryer (the unit which keeps the lubricating oil out of the condensor) for sale for $150 for both items. items are located on the sunshine coast. cheers
  5. Yeah we drive to bris and back every day for our jobs with energex. better then staying in the shithole accomodation they got for us. beauty of it is they pay us for every km we drive and all the time we are in the car.
  6. Bugger it! looks like im buying another 1L bottle of oil.
  7. Hey guys, before you all start i tried to search for this but every time i did it just returned an error. anyway question is, how much oil am i looking at putting into my 33 gt-st box? i bought 3 liters of motul gear oil. will i use all this? cheers
  8. Hell no, rather go 150+ on my ass anyday. still dreaming of doing it, maybe when i gain some welding skills.
  9. Haha Ben, you finally made it. looking forward to taking the pox-mobile to work tomorrow? Least we will be able to enjoy the heating, should help out your micro sleeps abit. cheers
  10. Yeah i have felt that, and when i rev it by pulling on the throttle it gets louder then goes away after a certain rpm. im buying a cooler and boost controler etc and i was gonna boost it to 12psi but i think ill wait till i get the belt changed. hoping to have it done in a couple of weeks. ill get him to do the full 100k service. anyone know how much im looking at? cheers
  11. yeah im getting chris to install it for me when i get one. he is ripping out the one i have now and putting a new one in. cheers
  12. http://cgi.ebay.com.au/MONGOOSE-M80G-CAR-A...bayphotohosting Saw this on ebay but dont know if its a genuine M80G alarm or not. Can anyone here verify if this is indeed an m80g? this is more then $100 cheaper i have seen them at other places and with the fiasco of a shitty alarm and dodgy install, im getting abit low on funds. cheers
  13. apparently in the states there is quite a large following of people who put high powered road bike engines into karts. all i gotta do now is find a decent and running road bike and become friends with an engineering student so he can steer me in the right direction to get the chasis up to strength. Also thinking, in the movie he appears to be changing gears with a car like shifter, wonder how he hooked that up and also hooked up the clutch. the cart is push button start, i have heard that centrifical? cluthes come on as power is applied? anyone here have experiance with these?
  14. I'm thinking about building myself one, kinda a long term project. im an apprentice electrical fitter/mechanic for energex but im hoping to learn welding etc and put one of these together. from what i have been reading, the majority of the work likes in designing a suitable chasis and mounting system to ensure equal weight distrubution. If your taking all the parts, breaks engine etc from a working bike it cant be that hard to make it all work on a kart...... *thinks*
  15. QKR33 Parked at the new Newmarket complex a week ago, late update .
  16. know anyone with a rattle gun?
  17. Waved to a black r33 s1 in palmwoods on the sunny coast, interested to see if it belongs to anyone on here.
  18. I used to make models, mostly modern jet fighters but also some ww2 german armour. bought all the airbrushing equipement etc etc for it, really fun but takes ages and can be frustrating when you ruin a months work on the air brush pain job.
  19. Agreed, doing 150km/h + on a go kart would be mint, provided you did a proper job of the welding and had a safety harness etc etc. sure as shit beats the 5hp motors most go karts have.
  20. Again, possibly the AAC valve being dirty, there is a section in the DIY part of this site how to clean it, had exactly the same problems, car was stalling after hard drives etc. clean your aac and the problem will go away. cheers
  21. Hey guys, you probably have already seen it but if you havnt, have you seen the gixxer kart videos? apparently its a suzuki gsxr engine in 130kg go kart frame. GIXXERKART Technical data: - was a racekart 125 ccm - Engine GSX-R 1100 - 1100 ccm 115 PS - Weight about 130 Kg - Disc-brakes front and rear - Topspeed about 170 km/h - Acceleration 0-100 km/h below 3 seconds - naturally everything self-made anyone ever seen anything like this? in time im seriously considering building something like this myself. could you imagine the fun of a go kart that can go 0-100 in under 3 seconds?
  22. Is this kit the Turbo tech boost controller on Ebay for $34? Im pretty keen to get one as im getting my bosch 044 next week and my FMIC soon so ill feel comfortable running about 10. cheers also, i just order one of the gktech intercoolers from the group buy, would these coolers have the nipple on the ic piping where the stock one is? or would i have to get a nipple welded to the new ic piping? another thing to addm is how exactly can this magical boost controller increase spool time? are you sure its not the placeboi affect? im all for trying it but im curious as to how this boost controller can reduce lag and increase spool time.
  23. My thoughts are photo-chop.
  24. No plugs or anything are lose under the dash? my friend had the same problem when he did the engine swap in his supra, plug wasnt connected properly hence the engine not turning over. cheers
  25. uumm.... it sure as hell doesnt sound like broken turbo fins in the cat, it sounds as if its coming from the cam cover. ill get it adjusted then.
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