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Everything posted by meshmesh

  1. Very nice for the sleeper, they're a twin turbo 2.7ltr? right?
  2. is this close E-nuf said ? (a pic from a sau skidpan day when we took the e55 and the gtr along)
  3. rrrage.. yeh the SLR would come in handy, on the odd occassion forget the cigarette lighter I could always heat up the brakes & lights up my smoke ...but a $1M+ cigarette lighter ??? I dunno, that's something the Salten of Brunai would do.
  4. Point taken Kris... Looking at your car is like falling in love all over again :love: .. Has your car arrived already?? PS: Kris you once PM'd me that website with all the auction results.. I can't find it & hoping you'd be able to send it again or post it up
  5. SL55, they're for the really really really rich folk. I dunno if we have a lazy 400K lying around.. hang on let me have a look. Looking... Still Looking... Hang on I think I found something... :dump: .. Nah just a big turd. PS: The SL55 is not the fastest anymore, so tell your uncle to trade it in for an SLR
  6. Bass that's a classic line. , but I've just turned 30 and the bro is 33.. so dunno if we are classified old - though sometimes I feel it. sikII (an E55 you reckon.. hmmm now there's a nice car ), you're right about depreciation, the only reason we really thought about it, is because a dealer we know may have one, at a pretty good price.
  7. I'd like some opinions please :confused: will all the tossers lately in trying to source am R34 GTR, we're sort leaning towards a "so called" equivalent eg: coupe, comfortable 4seater, has some presence...blah blah blah. The only thing we could think of is a CL500, but after speaking to a few mates, they reckon its an old mans car .??? But after slapping on some 19/20" inch brabus wheels will it still look like an old mans car?
  8. Well done.. Mark. I think it's time me and you had a chat about you selling your 34 to us??
  9. I never realised how many "civilised, honest, evironmentally caring, unmodified (so called) LEGAL, law obiding Skyline citizens" we had amongst us here :confused: cast your stones he who has not sinned. So what, the car had mods, big deal... go buy a toyota echo, or a fiat 500 if you're environmentally friendly. P plates or not, it's a fact, chances of an accident whilst on your P are higher than other demographics, he had a powerful car ?? hmmmm that's debatable. Regardless I think it's comes down to using your brains when behind the wheel. By the looks of the PIC's and reading the Honda drivers post, I have my doubts about the claimed speed they were travelling..
  10. Some Items Sold, and Some new iitems added.. For those that have purchased, thanks for your patience you should receive you stuff this week. Any problems feel free to email, PM or call my mobile. Cheers
  11. some for sale on ebay..$3300 brand new
  12. Hi Mark, please tell me your running those times on semi slicks? Coz if your doing those times on street tyres in a heavier 34model, and complaining about that .0001 for a 10, you deserve a big :slap: .. for being too hard on yourself. !!!Thats awesome!!!
  13. excuse dumbass for a moment... *cough* thats me... But when you guys say PPG is that the pfitzer ~spelling dog box?.. if so has anyone had a chance to try the pfitzer and is it bearable for everyday driving.
  14. do a have a twin/multiple plate clutch?
  15. ferni, dont think series 3 box are any better.. trust me ... give supahiro27 (adam) a PM, I know he had about 10 lying around. was asking around the $1K, just dunno about delivery costs from brisbane.. "just remember" the chances of another box blowing are high regardless.. think about it carefully, if I intended to keep the car, a OS Gearset would cost around ~$4K I think?? blow another box after this next used one, and you'd cover the cost of the OS kit
  16. I remember a thread about this and was sure someone mentioned the complexities in tuning an RB26~ Turbo engine with a Supercharcher?? any confirm?
  17. Hi ECR... "yeh that question is a stupid one :slap: " /kidding. Everything listed is a straight bolt on for an RB26DETT aka GTR.. in fact they all are being removed as we speak off an R33 GTR, so the answer is YES & YES.
  18. Ken, he said he's changed them already.. There was a thread by Warz some time ago, and 7heaven is on the mark, turned out to be the CAS which was way out.. and caused heep of detonation.
  19. geez, at least the guy was pretty sweet about it... Something similar happened to me not long ago, except these smart a$$es delibrately nudged the back of my wifes car 3times trying to push us through the intersection, till I felt the backend lift off the ground.. all because I switched lanes and got in front of them before the lights turned red (seriously did not cut them off, I don't drive like a fool especially with my baby in the car)... Well, the only thing I could think of was our baby boy in the back seat, my eyes rolled back and I saw death written on my hands with the names of whoever was in the car behind.. In the end 2guys begging for mercy and one in so much shock he fell asleep.
  20. Got it all done at ICE Performance.. the only "minor" hickup which I can think of, was a "starting" issue, but was solved very quickly with a new more powerfull battery, sealing the connectors on the bosch pump (though a relay would have been better), and Nigel did some of his magic tuning with the Power FC for the injectors... But all was fixed, and nothing whatsoever was an issue, infact SAU member markr34gtr has SARD 700cc injectors in his 34GTR and at the moment he's pumping over 400kw at the wheels. Maybe have a chat to Nigel at ICE or markr34gtr.
  21. Amaru & LTS.. That's the first I've heard anything about the SARD injectors?? We had the 700cc SARD's on our GTR, with the Power FC, bosch 044 pump, HKS GT2530's etc etc.. never had a problem.
  22. Hi All, Will sell seperately, but if someones looking to save themselves the headache of sourcing all these parts individually for your street GTR here's your chance.. 1) Apexi Power FC (In original Boxes) Apexi Hand Controller (In original Boxes) Sold - Pending Pick Up 2) HKS GT2530's Including Genuine HKS Uprated ~1bar Actuators Sold 3) Genuine Z32 AFM's, +Tomie Plugs Sold 3a) Genuine Nissan R33 Airbox + K&N Airfilter, NOTE: This Box has been extensively modified to fit Z32 AFM's, for that "Legal Sleeper" look.. Sold 4) SARD 700cc Injectors x6 Straight fit = Sold 5) Custom Front Pipes (off the dumps to the cat) Twin 2.5" into single 3" $350.00 6) + we also have a carbon fibre wing blade from UAS see below: Sold 7) Clear Nismo Side Indicators to suit GTR Sold All parts are in Melbourne, will deliver interstate, will accept COD "on the condition of a very minimal deposit to aleast cover returns if the buyer doesn't pick up the item and it gets sent back." Will try to arrange some proper pics asap...Hope that covers everything. PM or Emailfor me info.
  23. ...... :confused:
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