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Everything posted by meshmesh

  1. OCEANS 11 Look out, coz here comes OCEANS SAU Style :) Adz, that's some serious planning there mate , to the unsuspecting they'd think your were organising a casino job.
  2. Do they really work? And anyone know the consequences if you get busted with one?
  3. Ooooooh be careful taking your car to the boys at ICE. I've taken our car there a few times, and each time we get it back it goes faster!.. and they end up smoking all my cigarettes
  4. $5 cheaper? Was it the motul ~8100 / 4100 or something? I pay around $45 for 2litres for the Motul 300V 10-40.. and I need three tin ~each service
  5. Hi Rowdy, I use the HKS EVC4 in the GTR... after going throught the headache of picking the right unit, I spoke to Ben from RacePace & the Boys at ICE Performance, and they both said they haven't seen a boost controller on a GTR that works aswell as the HKS EVC units. Go for an EVC 3 or EVC 4, they use the same stepping motors as the new fancy EVC's from HKS and there's a business seller in the for sale section that has one of each around $300-350.
  6. Here ya go! And you don't even need to photochop it! Same colour PM him... not sure http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/at...achmentid=15443 http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/at...achmentid=15441
  7. have you seen the "manaray" rims "supahiro27" has..? they would look awesome, just dunno if he sold them or not.
  8. Spewing I couldn't make it to essendon at least.. Good to hear you guys had a good time, hopefully next year I might join you guys.
  9. ??? Why?.... Aren't the probes based on the 92-98~MX6?? And they use the same engine's also. I've had friend wit both the MX6 & the probes, and for 7K that's awesome value... just sounds too cheap to me, so be wary maybe.
  10. Damn Joel, you're not havin much luck with this... I agree with Timd, take it to another pro, and see what they say. She'll be right! But going from the pics, it does look like a good poilsh and buff will fix.
  11. :werd: That's reminds me of some people I have come across, you know the sort... "Who will ONLY SHOUT the bar, if they know the people their shouting will shout them back".. Your right about one thing. "Each to there own!"
  12. I guess that depends on the situation... but very basically speaking Don't Sell. Otherwise if you can hold onto it long enough to receive the CGT tax break after 12months. But hopefully that's why we pay professionals to manage that.
  13. Why? remember "YOU CAN'T GO BROKE MAKING A PROFIT..!" So paying tax means your making a profit... not paying tax means your loosing money.
  14. Hate to revive an old thread... but thought I'd add my 2.2cents Most are saying work hard.. but that's 0.0005% of it, I'd say work smarter not harder. I got kicked out of school in Yr10 ~15yrs Old, and worked in a cafe doing 65-75hrs per week... getting $290pw "smokes were like 2.80-3.20 per pack (DAMN this is like 15years ago )... by the time i was 18 I'd saved about $25K, I planned to borrow about another 15K and buy a 928 Porsche... till my dad sat me down and plainly explained the pro's & cons compared to buying a house... So I bought my first property @18 for $110K with a ~20K deposit, the people I bought it off liuved in it for the next 7-8years paying 90% mortgage for me. The rest of my savings went into doing up an old XW GT Mock up we had sitting around... Today that first property I bought is worth around 350-380K, and considering the tax benefits, it's cost me bugger all to maintain!! I could never have saved ~250K in 15years... The difference between what I owe and what it's worth is called "EQUITY MATE ;)" of which ~80% of the property value is considered cash (so long as you can maintain the repayments) which you can use to re-invest or spoil yourself with eg: new GTR etc.. We've all heard the saying "If only I knew back then what I know now!".. So I'd say to those saving for a dream car like a 928 or a GTR, maybe hold off... buy something half decent but not pocket draining, wait 2-3years & use the "EQUITY MATE" to cover the cost of your car. EDIT:>> Most importantly... It's like a snowball effect, sacrificing the first 2-4years puts you in a +POSITIVE position that's only gets bigger and faster... alternatively you could borrow 10, 20 or 30K and hope to pay it off in 3-5years, whilst the property next door which you could have bought for 250K is worth 300K+ by the time you've paid your car off, and spent all your $$ on making it RICE *cough* I mean Nice. **note: I'm not advising anyone to do the above, so please see your accountant who-ever for professional advice** My names meshmesh and this is my story.bigpond.com
  15. see the other thread... this guys started! someone posted up a new thing you can do on 33's, as quoted by Nissan in the Nissan Service Manual...WOW!!! Remove a vaccum under the dash
  16. Hmmm.. if it's a budget issue, then the 32 wins hands down. I personally think the 32 looks the toughest of them all, and we were looking at buying buying one, but they're starting to get alittle old, and you don't get the luxuries of air bags, brembos brakes (some 32's came with them) and a newer car as you do with the 33... amongst other things. Plus they have a slower ATTESSA system than 33's, and tend to handle with a slower & more rear end bias... Either way, both are awesome Value for Money, but with your budget I don't see a problem with find a 33.
  17. Well infact snowman gave us a little review of both cars since he's owned both an NSX and now owns a GTR. Not word for word, but his final opinion was the GTR all the way. The NSX was more a cruiser, and less performance/driver car. But to answer your question... depends, is the car a legit GTR?, do you want mods, and all I can say is good luck in finding good clean legit GTR, let alone the rarest of all the the Series 3 GTR's... hang I think mines for sale.
  18. Found it, http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/sh...ead.php?t=48173 Aaah-K ! You double posted...
  19. ? wtf!!! where'd my post go!
  20. You need to remove the front driveshaft on R33, if you plan to run them on 2WD Dyno's..take about 10mins on a hoist. But I don't think it's so much a good idea if you plan to drive around without the fron shaft.. maybe ask SAU member "scotsman", as he's driven around woithout one for some time.
  21. Didn't you get the car checked out before you bought it? Danny, do a search, If I remember correctly, there was recently a thread about the car switching off all the time..
  22. Thanks Troy. Capish!
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