Thanks Scrathing will be interesting to see if it will crack 200rwkw with the new mods you have planned.
"If bolt-on mods aren't doing as much as they used to, it means its because the OEMs are building their powertrains better than they used to. I can't see why its disappointing that you have to do less to make as much power as the underlying engine architecture will let you, unless you're only interested in bragging about how much more your car makes than stock rather than how much it makes in total."
I see your point and agree with you to a certain extent the factory cars are starting to make better use of the factory systems then they used to. Roughly 170rwkw from factory stock 3.5 litre is impressive but its still disapointing that extra power cant be extracted as easily or cheeply as the old RB turbo motors.
I dont have a V35 at this stage but was maybe thinking about a 4 door one in the future as they are a fantastic car and very cheep to import at the moment, 15 grand cheeper than the 2 doors.