If there isn't a Jim's Window Cleaning... there should be LOL I know there are people out there that do this professionally, but I thought someone here may have wanted to do it instead for some extra cash.
To answer some questions raised
I think it would take a few hours, but I've always broken it down in sections, so not certain exactly how long it would take to do at once. Thats why I thought an hourly rate would be fair.
They are big windows, almost all windows are the size of full sliding doors, probably 10 full size ground to ceiling type including sliding doors and another 6-7 normal size windows.
Only outside unless you're keen for inside too. I have my own equipment unless you prefer your own. I live Southside.
Its not hard... I work my @rse off all week and at my age, if I don't like doing it and someone else doesn't mind doing it... well then its a win win all round