I realise the costs of all the support ssytems i will need to put in place and believe me i have talked to alot of poeple here and uk and japan about them. That part is not a huge problem. As for my purpose, Like i said this will be my last one. I want the broadest possible power band. I am changing to a 6 speed gearbox. I have heard of the OSG being "safe" for 1400hp and 10 000rpm but i have not heard of any one proving those figures true or false for that matter. I have seen the stage 3 kit to pull over 1200hp and over 11000rpm. and make great use of a twin hks 3240kit. As for maintanance, no matter what you get, if you drive it hard enough and dont look after it, it will break. Thanks for the info so far. Just for peoples interests, it looks like i will most likely go for a single turbo from ITS, they have shown simply amazing results in the US.