I've been through a bunch of times for RBT, usually its an RBT setup on the side of the road, i have only ever been pulled over for an "RBT" twice. Only one time did the cop ask me about mods on my car and wanted to check under the hood. Took a quick look and let me go on my way.
I remember one RBT setup i went through the cop asked me if i had a pod filter, i told him i did but it was all boxed up. He then ask's if he had a look under the hood would he find an illegal blow off valve, i told him no. He says "oh ok so you know all the rules?", i told him yes i do and he said that it was ok that i could go.
About 2 weeks ago i was coming home from work around 3 and there was an RBT setup on the hume hwy. I got flagged in for an RBT, the cop was really nice to me. Had a quick conversation about my car and then let me go. Said to have a nice day and to drive safe.
I've never had a problem with a cop. I think that if they are rude to you when you have not done anything wrong then you should report it.
Tell them the truth when they ask you a question, there is no point lying because if they do catch you out, they arent going to believe anything else you say and will check everything.