I have a simular problem with the drivers side window.
What I found was a variety of problems.
Located the relay controller and resoldered 5 or so fractured solderjoints.
Just for the record, a fractured solderjoint is a fracture around a leg typically associated with mechanical vibration.
I am only saying this to make people aware that the fracture appears as a hairline crack, sometimes hard to see around typically the 2 relays as in my case.
Resoldered all connections to both relays.
Needless to say, the window failed to operate. (stuck in the raised position)
Next approach was to locate the power wires to the actual motor, seperate the plug and apply power directly to the motor.
The motor "ticked" and got hot.
This could indicate 2 problems.
1) motor stuffed and/or 2) regulator mechanism jammed.
My problem at this time is to remove the window regulator which requires the window to be in the lower position.
No motor, no operation. Pain in the butt.
Before I attempt this repair, I will want a replacement motor in hand because if i'm going to all this trouble, I will fix/replace it before reassembly.
Now, does anybody know where I can get a motor only. I don't want to purchase a complete regulator assembly.
Pending on price, the motor can be rebuilt and rewired which I will look into once I have it out of the car.