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    Mitsubishi Magna
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    Anthony Moore

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  1. Well done both of you, both a good shots. Milenko, I don't think this is a weekly photo challenge any more More like a when someone thinks of a challenge, those that can, enter it.
  2. I don't think I made this weeks challenge, But none the less, here is a photo of my wifes belly
  3. I know this photo is off topic, but I was pretty happy with it, and thought I would share it
  4. That is an Incredible shot... I love it...
  5. Why is it that no one says a topic, but the moment someone makes a suggestion, 20 people have another idea for one Anyway. Here is my Ice Pic. (The pics below are both the same photo, One is just a resized) If you would like to see the ones, I didn't submit for this challenge, let me know, it's mostly of the "liquid" being a different depths etc.
  6. Personally, I hope not, but I haven't seen a reply for quite some time.
  7. Here are the ones that I toook..
  8. Nice shot Aftamath I would have taken it with the Focus on the fore object, however, I think this turned out better then anything I could have done. Nice framing of the flowers as well, and really good work with the Depth of Field.
  9. Yeah i would be keen too....
  10. Server is up and running as requested. Details below are correct. Please advise if you have any questions / comments / slander etc... All other details where correct at time of posting this message.
  11. I have organised for the same server as before for 9pm. Let me know what maps, and the number of players etc. I think we are better off, running 16 players until that's filled, then upping the size as more people join. Addmittidly, that means that there will be numerous server restarts, however, I think that this is the better method of keeping the games busy. Please advise what maps you would like, and if you would like bot's. (16 players maps only with bots, No Wake Island) Finally, the password for tonight is skyau Let me know if you have any issues. Anthos
  12. Wow, they are pretty good, I love the way the web has lit up in the first photo, It's just a pity that the spide itself in that photo isn't slightly more focused. Perhaps this weeks challenge can be "Something from your Backyard" Just a thought.
  13. Yeah, Sorry guys that I wasn't able to turn up. Unfortunantly, my time of procrastination about household chores caught up with me, and I was forced to do them on Sunday. Let me know the date for the next war, and as long as the Clan don't have plans for it, I am more then happy to allow you guys to utilise the BF2 Server again. How was the server for everyone? Stable? any Issues? (We had issues the night before, So I just want to make sure everything went ok on the day) Next time, We will start the server with 16 player maps, then upsize them as required... (64 players on a 16 player map would be insane , Let's see if we can pull it off )
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