had the same problem, bro took it in2 nissan for me, it was a tiny screw that you adjust the idle control, its located on the inlet manifold/throttle body or somewhere around there
try playing around with it, mine sits of 700RPM perfectly now
i got a set of tein height adjustables on my r33 and was havin trouble cracking the 2 locknuts apart as i wana lower it. i managed to get the bottom one off as i drowned the thread with INOX spray, so that was freed up, i managed to get that loose with a stilson and pipe.
the second 1 (one that the coil sits on) wouldnt move. i sprayed it heaps, even spring clamped the coil to take pressure off it, and still couldnt free it.
NOTE: i didnt take the ket so i used a long screwdriver and hammer.
can any1 give me advice to tricks to loosen it?? i cant get the stilson on it coz there aint enuf room to grip on the ring..
hi all,
i've got a alternator thats off a r33 gts-t, want $70 firm, please pm me if interested, has been checked by auto elec., they tested it and said nothings wrong with it, thanks