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Everything posted by nsanity

  1. putting N I S M O on your house isn't exactly going to help mail get to it any sooner.
  2. Spotted LTSJayce and Mrs.GT at their place. An afternoon of beagles and skylines - tis the life. Now i have to get my own pair again. *sigh*
  3. i'd come too
  4. Yes. Cold weather = SUPER FUN HAPPY TIME!~!
  5. Spotted Terminal pretending like he was workin'
  6. EBB Carpark rules. Stop your car. If you can get out of it, lock it. Done.
  7. you know as well as i do that there is no car parks ANYWHERE in that shithole. Having to move several times a day between buildings and sites doesn't help. Also. I got promoted. I'll be based out at fairburne shortly to be a professional backup ho.
  8. re: spiking? My understanding from the manual, is that once you start to spike you need to work on Solenoid duty timing and the like. Of course this requires more work and testing, but i plan to let people far more knowledgable than i tune the bejesus out of it at the time.
  9. Spotted Blue RB026 (r32 GTR) for the 2nd time in 2 days at the same spot. Wound our windows down, said hello and he even gave way to me. Such a cheerful friendly bunch us skyline types. The missus was laughing all the way to work.
  10. I was told the PowerFC boost controller plug in was not soo good. I'd love for someone to actually show me some funky stuff with the AVCR when i do my high-flo upgrade.
  11. i threatened the guys who own the domain with legal action. FUN TIMES
  12. i'm pissed too. my email address doesn't have any junk hitting it right now. by god if i get some i'll skull f**k someone.
  13. HI YOU HAVE BEEN IDENTIFIED AS A SPAMMING ASSHOLE PULL ME OFF THIS LIST NOW. -----Original Message----- From: Bureau of Morality - Year 0000 Search [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, 27 March 2007 3:58 PM To: <email is sexy> Subject: YOU HAVE BEEN IDENTIFIED AS UN-AMERICAN <TRACE> <INITIALIZE: DCS1000 v24.5.3> <SEARCH> <IDENTIFIED: http://www.iamtryingtobelieve.com> <IDENTIFIED: http://www.anotherversionofthetruth.com> <IDENTIFIED: http://www.artisresistance.com> <ERROR: http://www.solutionsbackwardsinitiative.net/pilgrims> ||||| date-time failure ||||| <RESUME SEARCH> <IDENTIFIED: <email is sexy>> <END TRACE> -------------------- ATTENTION! The Bureau of Morality has identified you as A CONSUMER OF DISSIDENT MATERIAL. This is a one time warning. Any further attempts to view, consume, or distribute un-american content will result in the loss of citizenship increments and/or the imposition of fines, penalties, or imprisonment. You have choices. Make the RIGHT ones. For further information on making good choices, visit http://www.thepriceoftreason.net -------------------- Bureau of Morality One Nation Under God
  14. do a search. some guy did a xenon transplant in his R33 GTST using this method - looked like a fair amount of work, but came up tops.
  15. nerd might be uncalled for... emo certainly isn't ;P
  16. 4-5 episodes of whatever i'm watching at the moment (Heroes, House, Scrubs, Prison Break, Top Gear and others) a week 2-3 Movies a week (variable) a bunch of wow-videos (although, i'm hardly playing now so this is on a rapid decline) Now that i'm not playing wow anymore, the occasional game PC Updates for 3 pc's I youtube/google video quite a lot as well Anything that i feel like. I pay ~$60 a month from velocity for their split 32gb/32gb plan. When i was on Dialup back in 2000 and before, i'd sit on 14-15gb a month (200-300mb a day on dialup, lol) - prior to moving to canberra and wow, i was doing upto 150gb/month. I just don't care when i click - its the way the web should be. In regards to the whole "not-paying for software/media" aspect, i generally do if its worth it - i just try something for a bit beforehand to see if its what i need. Infact my inbox is filling up with registration information now. ugh.
  17. even though i don't download much anymore, i still hit 40-50gb a month on transact 2mb cable i couldn't live with 21gb a month on 24mbit
  18. you bastards. i asked if there was going to be cruising, and most of you turned around and said nah.
  19. In Dis photo - we have pizza. In Dis photo - they don't. These people were late - however they still came, so its all good. Now, someone else can fill in the gaps with names - I'm woeful with them. If you want the full size pics from the night, give me a yell and i'll post them. It was a fun night and basically all we did was convince Jayce that robbing a bank could and probably is in his best interests.
  20. Me thinks you need a new pic to show off that new yellow stag there Marc. And yes, i'm coming in for fronts soon - will give you a call in advance.
  21. So like What do you look like above the shoulders? I mean i could look for a pink g-string around a waist, but someone might hit me with sexual harassment - or worse still, slap me. And thats just my missus.
  22. If telstra supplied it, and its actually broken - probably. Depends on the shop i believe as some of them are franchised and being franchises couldn't care less about their parents customers. Ring ahead if in doubt. and how do you knows its the problem?
  23. you're not very satisfying, what am i supposed to do for the next 1 hour and 59 minutes
  24. what the hell am i supposed to do for 2 hours?
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