4-5 episodes of whatever i'm watching at the moment (Heroes, House, Scrubs, Prison Break, Top Gear and others) a week
2-3 Movies a week (variable)
a bunch of wow-videos (although, i'm hardly playing now so this is on a rapid decline)
Now that i'm not playing wow anymore, the occasional game
PC Updates for 3 pc's
I youtube/google video quite a lot as well
Anything that i feel like.
I pay ~$60 a month from velocity for their split 32gb/32gb plan.
When i was on Dialup back in 2000 and before, i'd sit on 14-15gb a month (200-300mb a day on dialup, lol) - prior to moving to canberra and wow, i was doing upto 150gb/month.
I just don't care when i click - its the way the web should be.
In regards to the whole "not-paying for software/media" aspect, i generally do if its worth it - i just try something for a bit beforehand to see if its what i need. Infact my inbox is filling up with registration information now. ugh.