Hey guys,
Just wondering if you can give me an idea of what might be happening with my car
94 GTS25T Mods: Exhaust, Cooler, Pod and Power FC only use BP Ultimate and Royal Purple Oil
thursday night i had an intercooler pipe pop off and the car stalled was a little hard to start but once going again all seemed fine.
I did an oil and filter change on friday night also put on new silicone hoses for IC pipe
i feel as though since saturday night the car was running a little rough then lastnight late (was quite cold night)
i was heading home and the engine light was came on at 4500rpm the knock reached 136 so i babied it home
let it cool down for an hour while i stood there looking at the engine like a fool took it fo another short drive and the same thing happened
I did to put a bottle of Nulon Injector cleaner in my tank on saturday not sure if this could have anything to do with it though?
on the way to work today i did take it really easy but got the revs upto about 5500 twice which saw knock reach 35
so yeh any ideas on what the reason for the knock getting so high? Is it safe to drive it like this?
I think the car has not been tuned for atleas 15,000ks mabye even 20,000k could this be the reason - do cars just get out of tune??? or is this likely to be something more mechanical like a broken/melted/worn part?