Couldn't sleep so i thought i'd tell a little story about my weekend...
On Sat night was on my way out to the Riverland for a 21st. Only got as far as Munno Para/Kudla where some f@$&whit pulled out of a street (Dalkeith Rd. Kudla) to turn right onto Main Nth Rd while i was heading north on the highway. Coming up to the Dalkeith/Main Nth Rd intersection the car in front of me had to swerve into the right lane to avoid hitting this prick who had his nose out into the left lane. I was only about 40-50m behind and moved into the right lane to avoid hitting him when he decided to shoot out in front of me and then sit in the middle of the road. I hit the breaks over 80 kph but still collided with him and the GTR is now totaled. It sent him into a 360. The bloke had 3 young kids in the back and if i hadn't swerved away to the left slightly i would've plowed right through the side of the car. It will always bewilder as to what he was trying to do.
He was completely in the wrong but who knows if i'll get back what my car is worth. Luckily i had a few witnesses and the cops, firefighters etc came to clean up he mess. I've come out of it with a crook neck and back and have taken this week off of work to recover. Going to have a look at the car tomorrow or Fri but i'd almost say for certain it is written off. For a laugh, the owner of the other car has requested that i get quotes from any 2 crash repairers so that they can work out whether they want to pay the excess on their insurance or pay out the damages. I can't understand how they think it could be less than their excess! $400 wouldn't pay for the respray on 1 panel!! All good though, just more pointless running around.
I rang them up about how the kids were and luckily they were all-in-all ok. One of them came out with a bit of swelling and bruising on his face from cracking his head on the door but no serious injury.
I've spent a lot of time and effort into making the car what it was and it is such a kick in the teeth knowing that all that hard work has gone to waste, not to mention the sentimental attachment that comes with owning the car for 2 odd yrs.
Suppose what i am looking for out of this thread is maybe some guidance as to what i do from here as i haven't been in this situation before. I would like to know, say, what happens to the car? It was modified and so would like to be able to take some stuff back in the hope to get another GTR. I'm assuming that it would be well undervalued so was wondering if there was a way around that.
Well been a Skyline owner for about 6yrs, it's about time i wrote in ay.... Thanks for ur time ppls!! Let me know ur thoughts!