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RENEW Member

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Everything posted by RENEW Member

  1. Also guys, Those that have offered to help out as flaggies, it would be terrific if you could get to the track around 8am. That way there is time to spare if you are running late. And also gives you some time to chat to your mates, look at cars, etc before the official's briefing around 8.30-8.45 or so. Cheers guys, and see you tomorrow, Craig
  2. Hello All. Like Nathan said, if you didn't get that email it was because RENEW has not received your entry form yet. The same goes as to why your name was not on the list. The following are people who Adam has told us are entering, but so far have not sent to RENEW an entry form. For this reason you didn't get the email, and we also can't allocate you to groups. PLEASE guys, to make things run smoothly on the day, can you fax the form Saturday to 9416 3845 or email to craig at renew dot asn if possible. If not, please ensure you attend the sign in with a completed form. 116 Steve Bowman 117 Amanda Moore 118 john Penlington 119 Shane ? 120 Matthew Anthony 121 Daniel Mackie See you on Sunday, Craig
  3. Yeah, that is the way it works.A couple of us have been out to EC to observe and help some other clubs run their supersprints, and the process described above seems to work really well. It cuts down on heaps of time, compared to if entrants are doing both a full warm-up and cool down laps. We're glad that we have been able to make a heap more spots available. Craig RENEW Secretary
  4. Hey guys, Thanks to all of you who came along on Sunday. We are glad you all had such a top time. Was great to see so many first timers out there, and also a few girls as well. Good stuff. RENEW is close to finalising the details for the Eastern Creek day. Keep an eye on threads here, and also, those that attended the OP and WP days, we will be sending you emails too.. Cheers, Craig RENEW Secretary.
  5. Oz GTR02V, WRT to the first timers, RENEW will be running the day in a similar format to our previous days. ie a first timers familiarisation session at the start of the day. Craig
  6. Neil will probably be there. But, we are encouraging all entrants - from both RENEW, SAU and anywhere else for that matter - to arrange getting their own numbers. Be they a piece of paper in the window, some tape on the side of the car, or the little stickers that a lot of you guys used at Oran Park. Any numbers that we may be able to provide would be in an emergency backup situation, but we cannot guarantee this. In the next week or so, Nathan (MrG) will send out an email to those guys who have entered, advising you of the number you have been allocated. Craig RENEW Secretary
  7. That is the way RENEW are working it. This is because at some of our earlier days, we had a few people exploiting the system, and running a heap of drivers per car. The second driver can either be a mate, with no car there apart from your car, or could be another entrant who you want to let drive your car.As for the noise limits. That is a requirement of the EPA, and is measured and enforced by Wakefield management. It is up to them how strict - or not - they want to be. Guys, if you have any other questions, it would be best to email the guy who is leading the organisation for the day, RENEW President Nathan, [email protected], as he will be able to give you definate answers, and quickly. Please read the form that RXBO5S posted up first though, as the answers to some of your questions may be in there. Cheers, and see you on the day, Craig RENEW Secretary
  8. Hi guys, Just thought I would log on here to say hi. I am glad you all had a good day out at Oran Park on Saturday. We from RENEW are certainly glad that you all enjoyed it. The pre-event time did run a bit over, but that was caused by a lot of cars turning up ar scrutineering towards the end of time allocated, and also a bit of getting used to the processes that are required to be followed on a CAMS day, as opposed to other days that RENEW have held at Wakefield that some of you may have attended. Part of this was also having such a large number of trainee and first time officials that had to briefed, signed on, etc. As stated earlier, the limit for the number of cars on the track is 10. This is a CAMS set limit for Oran Park. Wakefield, for example is set at eight. The afternoon ran a lot more smoothly. Thanks to Adam for liasing with RENEW, and for doing all of the organising from SAU. Also, a huge thanks to those guys who volunteered for the flag marshalling positions. You guys hepled make the day possible. Susan, the Clerk of Course, was certainly impressed with you all, and was most humoured by the banter on the radio during the day. Personally, I was loving the flame throwing Skyline and the Silvia. And the Capri, of course. We hope we will see all of you guys who were there on Saturday, plus a few others, at our up coming RENEW days at Wakefield - July 2 and Eastern Creek - October 8. Cheers, Craig
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