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  1. Ronin 09, Might be interested in the brake rotors. Could you please advise the following dimensions: 1) the internal diameter of the hand brake drum (mm) 2) the depth of the friction face (mm) Cheers.
  2. From MTQ Engine Systems. Cheers. PS Nice work on the photos Disco!!
  3. CHRA No. 706451-5015 = 61.36mm, 56 trim compressor wheel and 62.32mm, 84 trim exhaust wheel. Cheers.
  4. hey shmiddy, has it been in for the next tune yet? any chance of seeing the dyno charts? cheers.
  5. Bren, Out of interest, what size is the exhaust housing on the TD06-25G? Greddy (Trust) list 8cm, 10cm and 12cm housings for the TD06. Cheers.
  6. SirRacer, The standard GT3540 (aka GT35R or GT3540R or GT3582) uses a 61.36mm, 56 trim compressor wheel in a 0.70A/R compressor housing and a 62.32mm, 84 trim exhaust wheel, in either a 0.63, 0.82 or 1.06 A/R exhaust housing. To identify the turbo, check the code on the Garrett ID tag on the core. If it says “706451-15” it is a GT35. The exhaust housing A/R is cast into the side of the inlet to the exhaust housing. Cheers.
  7. psi910, The answer to your question is yes, the 8cm2 housing from a TD06-20G will fit on your TD06-19C. The reason is the break down of the name of your turbo, TD06-19C-10cm, is: TD06 – describes the size of the core and exhaust wheel. “TD06” exhaust wheel = 55.2mm/65.0mm. 19C – describes the size and family of compressor wheel. “19” compressor wheel = 49.5mm/68.0mm, “C” = family type, there are also B, G and D types. 10cm2 – describes exhaust housing size. So, as long as the 8cm2 is from a TD06, it will fit. Hope this helps. Cheers.
  8. hey shmiddy, well done on the 480 hp. have you had a chance to scan the dyno graph yet? can we see it? btw what was the problem with the wolf? when is it going in for the "hard" tune? cheers.
  9. psi910, Have a look at the inside of the exhaust housing inlet, there should be a number cast into the side of the inlet. This number is the size of the exhaust housing in cm2. Trust/Greddy/MHI turbos use this instead of the A/R value used by others. Hope this helps. Cheers.
  10. Cool, look forward to seeing the results. Good luck with the tuning session. Cheers.
  11. Thanks, that would be great. Compressor surge is a condition that occurs when a compressor wheel is operating in the area near or on the surge line on the compressor map. For example, if a turbo's compressor is trying to flow 40lb/min at 15 psi at 3500 rpm (engine speed), but your engine can only flow 30lb/min at 15 psi at 3500 rpm, you will get compressor surge. The extra 10lb/min of air needs to go somewhere, so it ends up coming back out the compressor inlet. The turbo hesitates to flow any more air, resulting in the car bucking or shuddering. A turbo with a large compressor side and small exhaust side can be more prone to compressor surge. Cheers.
  12. Hey Shmiddy, Firstly, nice work! Secondly, do you have any dyno graphs you can post up so we can see the power curve (and boost response) of the GT35 with the 0.63 exhaust housing? Also, do you experience any compressor surge? Cheers.
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