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Everything posted by tacker

  1. and i thought i had the f*&^#r near finished aswell
  2. i have felt the difference and it would have to be 20 plus kg difference at least
  3. have to say please there beery yer ok will take some snaps tomorrow
  4. door glass with electric winder system is about 9 kg each
  5. yep this area has been placed on the no go zone with rotor bur flap sanding disk only. Also the bottom of the exhaust port if its matched to the manifold gasket is also quite thin. was also surprised to see a water jacket running through the web that seperates the two exhaust ports for the same cylinder, would have thought that to be solid
  6. thats ok i found 2 today thanks cut the damaged head up today and found the back of the exhaust port under the valve seat is very very thin.
  7. took to much out of the exhaust ports bugga! So its a time issue now so i thought i would case out any heads that maybe for sale already done.
  8. any more updates?
  9. due to some d#$%head ( me ) being far to heavy handed with die grinder i have stuffed my rb26 head! now looking to purchase one any suggestions on who i should contact.
  10. what dash i dont have no stinkin dash :-)
  11. ohhh and does a bucket full of aluminium from the cylinder head count in weight reduction
  12. thats the funny thing about deserts :-) but have a big old warehouse to keep the toys in so we are ok in that regard. but does get a might windy at 250 odd kph i have to say
  13. lol i just went for window nets, even lighter :-)
  14. Got perfect result with the hot water method, think i need to make them longer so i can attach them to more bits further down the door other wise they seem to wobble around some what.
  15. ok basic shape of ports is nearly done after removing heaps of aluminium. Now just have do the final shaping and then the polishing.
  16. HMMMMM nice work!! going to get back into it today and i know what its has to look like now:-) I have really attacked the inner radius on the intake side and outer radius on the exhaust side but i still retained the standard valves. will post some pic later today hopefully.
  17. yer but skyline windows are hard to fit due to a frameless door and they have to be made out of 5mm material and are thermo formed to get correct curve. easy to form them just put in boiling water for a few minutes then clamp it to the original glass to cool. would be 15 or more kgs in weight saving from all glass being replaced
  18. yes the engine builder has explained about hot spots even the valve seat needed to be smoothed off to remove a lip that was just proud. Pic is not the best and the marks look bad in the pics but not to bad in person. The ports do need some more work and i think that they are the easy bit, i just had a crack at them today but i am waiting on more of the flap discs to arrive so i can do as you say. All up about 12 hours on the rotory burr and i did remove a lot from the exhaust side so hope to get some benefit from this. And equal flow i hope, has to be closer than the factory effort casting marks all over the place. Will post some more pics when i get the ports done.
  19. Still i am having to build a forged bottom end for the car i though i may as well have a crack at porting the head to try and increase the flow. Have to say with some tips from Steve at AAT here in the UAE has worked out ok and i am resonably happy with it so far dont think i need to go much more now.
  20. Richard did you get the arms on yet?
  21. Mate i have just done this mod to my R32 GTR i got a really well made (CNC) remote filter mount. You have to be careful of the diameter of the remote filter mount no more than 70mm or its to large to fit. The factory oil water cooler will pull off after you remove the 4 mounting bolts / studs then you will be left with a fitting to suit the slide on factory oil water cooler. This you can remove by vice grips or such as it round with no flats to get a spanner on. this will leave you with a 20 x 1.5 thread which most sandwich plates or remote filter housing send with the kit. I got this from Ebay and if your interested drop me a PM and i will give you the sellers details.
  22. Bloody hell well done Russ and Co! are ye accepting international entries by chance :-) and by the 5th july Squeek may have finshed rebuilding the motor i hope LOL
  23. why a dash 8 return line, i believe the centre outlet of a after market fuel rail is no where near that size nor the FPR ports your throwing your money away. still i made new supply and returns out of aluminium tube ( 10mm od ) and welded dash 6 male fittings to each end and used braided hose to connect to them. cost was 28$ for the 4 male fittings and 9$ for the 2 lengths of alloy tube 10$ to weld the fittings on to tube.
  24. my whole car aint worth that much!!! And russ ya scaring me with the shims stories
  25. Duncan is sure is a whole lot of work, and the sound proofing is a right pain in the a#@&. still i have noted that i can feel the benifit of the weight off the car. Also found that the 18" wheels are lighter than stock, same with the brakes with 2 piece rotors. about 160 + kg will look into the added weight later this week
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