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PSI Parts

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Everything posted by PSI Parts

  1. So far this has been the best one: http://www.totaltraining.com/prod/adobe/ph...hopcs4e_ess.asp
  2. Yup as above. Drop me a line if your keen on getting one, sales@psiparts.com.au
  3. We have 1mm thick pre-fabed sheets in stock if your interested. They are 800mm x 800mm x1mm sheets, and go for $349.
  4. I should have made it a little clearer, I wasn't claiming that the picture I posted was the cars used on the day. Just a random picture of what they might have looked like.
  5. Doesn't surprise me, Top Gear Australia has to be one of the worst Car shows going around. I don't think they could have picked three worse presenters if they tried. One of the cars in question....
  6. Have you got the aircon fan?
  7. I've also got a set of Series II (1998) Camshafts, $100 delivered?
  8. PSI Parts

    Front Lip

    We have Carbon Lips for R33 GTR in stock, can do trade pricing on mulitple items. Drop me a line if your interested sales@psiparts.com.au
  9. AN is derived by the standard set by the Army Navy for fittings. They are the type of fittings you have, and are measured in dashes, i.e. dash 10 (aka. -10). Each dash is an increment of 1/16".
  10. Do you have an AN fitting on the sump? I would T piece there so any built up pressure would equalise through the sump opening. Let me know if you need any fittings.
  11. Cheers, I stumbled across that website on another thread here.
  12. Just looking for advice from the graphic artists among us. I'm pretty new to photoshop and wanting to take some tutorials away when I travel and don't have access to the internet. Not really fussed if they are free or not, would prefer one's with lots of pictures and pattern files would be good. Suggest away So far I've had a look at - http://www.sketchpad.net/photoshopstore.htm#cds - http://www.photoshopessentials.com/basics/ - http://www.totaltraining.com/prod/adobe/photoshop.asp
  13. Do you know Lee? BTW: Awesome thread, I'll get round to doing our Project car one day.
  14. I'm chasing the air con fan (sits in front of the radiator), and the passenger mirror bracket (not the mirror itself).
  15. I'm chasing the air con fan (sits in front of the radiator), and the passenger mirror bracket (not the mirror itself).
  16. I'll take a centre console. PM me details
  17. Each actuator has a different spring rate (boost level). They can be from 5psi through to 30psi, which is the pressure that they open at. The aim is to get an actuator closest to the desired boost setting so the EBC has to do as little as possible to gain ultimate response. Some aftermarket actuators you only have to replace the springs, where others are sealed and you have to replace the entire actuator. Let me know if you need to purchase one.
  18. We use and recommend Sabbadin Automotive (let them know we sent you) which is in Mulgrave. Very helpful guys with Rob being an excellent engine builder.
  19. We can supply the full range of earls products so you can make the lines yourself. For special SAU pricing see: http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/Ea...ct-t241251.html
  20. Check it out on our site: http://www.psiparts.com.au/front.asp?pid=8...ID=R33S-4RFB-FG
  21. Check out the various kits we have on our website: www.psiparts.com.au
  22. That is a pretty normal quote. There can be a lot of work to create a seamless look. The most expensive part is the actual painting.
  23. This might help: http://www.psiparts.com.au/TechInfo/Manual...0Fuse%20Box.pdf Or have a look at all of our manuals: http://www.psiparts.com.au/front.asp?pid=47
  24. Pretty sure it was fibreglass. I can't seem to find the email the customer sent after he got approval.
  25. Can you please resend your email (if it hasn't already been replied to). You will never know who supplied Nissan (if in fact they do out-source). Our major delay is a lack of finding a car that we can test them on prior to shipping out.
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