Hi All,
Have White 200 RS4 Stag.. ( in case you couldn't guess ).
I've had it for around 1 year now and for about 8 months have had the engine warning light comming on intermittently. Initially it would only do it maybe once a month, thne once 1 fortnight, then once a week, now daily.. The car had a little shudder for about 2 seconds then the light comes on.
I'vr bben told that it is porbably the voil pack that needs replacing, but alos have been told that it could be something to do with the air flow sensor.. I'va had a diagnotic done twice on it with no result. ( Mech probably doesn't have car on his equipment ).
Any one had the same problem or have any firmer ideas as to what could be the solution to this. If not anyone know of a machanic that knows about Stageasin Perth northern Suburbs ?