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Everything posted by emts

  1. yes a cert is needed...plus brakes and other stuff...
  2. apparently caught fire not crashed..so you could be right.
  3. glad not a honda fan.. New NSX just flamed at the ring
  4. yeah I cannot post here either.
  5. this..
  6. so this whole do some stuff on the side. For some reason it has got such a bad rep. lets say you want to start your own business but worried about the $$ not being ther for the the first year or so. so commit to a job that you can do out of work hours. then start your business but not quit your other job.. sure it serious hours and pressure on you...but after 12 months you will know if you are going to make it or fold. and you still have an income so it not like you seriously out of pocket. If I could find something that would seriously interest me for years to come, this is what I would be doing.
  7. it's fine at can hide down a very deep hole...one too small for Dezz to fit in.. think of him kinda like a hobbit...
  8. Careers are over rated.
  9. and yet another. http://www.carpoint.com.au/all-cars/private/details.aspx?R=SSE-AD-2764343&Cr=8 ok so car described as a wagon. you then write in comments that is a wagon to clarify. yet pictures are of a sedan. god dam scammers
  10. So what you saying is that your kinda like a fairy godmother who is looking after us!!! wow
  11. quick question copthis.. why are you also trying to hide beind a forum? no name no details and hiding behind a "fake" IP do I agree with what the dude above done. no have you followed process rather than trying to make a big deal about this. had not last time so doubt now. I guess the process has only been around for 9 years could be easy to miss http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/topic/65046-known-bad-traders-read-before-you-buy-or-sell/ http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/topic/76463-rules-for-users-of-the-sau-classifieds-please-read-before-use/ ie read the 2nd post have you taken this doco to the cops and sorted it out correctly, guessing not. better question is in this for you. all this effort to get one person banned from a forum you are not an active member of...I think not. so fess up give us some details on you as well so we can work out how reliable the info is
  12. ok it's official these scammers are not even making a real effort anymore. I got a usual your paypal account is going to be closed. but from a fake Apple.com address. really can they at least make an effort.
  13. are modern Alfa still so bad? at least this one cannot rust out.
  14. saw another alfa 4c last night. looks better everytime I see one.. and makes the pics of them look crap. kinda cool watching it in is native environment
  15. yeah well I got your results right here actually seriously that is the results.... Huge thanks to Luke and Anna for putting them together.
  16. and it has a hole in one of the driving lights to turn it into a cold air intake...'Murica yeah
  17. I moved from Postie to IT tech support...was good got rained on less. less housewife nudity tho..not sure if that was good or bad..mostly bad..
  18. wooh wooh wooh we not talking needing drag spec, shit next you will be talking about putting on coloured pipes that mgiht be too much for him to handle it's a 32 it should be drift life.
  19. bah what would you know.. Pat just zip tie them ultra tight and you will be fine..
  20. I still live in a command line space for most of my work. the couple of ppl who got macs in similar line of work to me, all use it to run windows emulator to get the job done. yes putty is my life, but it gets me to visit cool places.
  21. ah but some-times we don't ahve a say. iPhone been our company policy for 4-5 years now. naturally 2 weeks after I got my latest they approved a couple of samsungs..
  22. So far the ones I have on the old I pad and new DROID all have more features on the DROID version Plus cheaper So far os has been good will give it more Time and see how keeps up
  23. Posting from 33000 feet Technology is awesome Laggy but awsome
  24. So after 1 week of android ownership after ipad for 4-5 years.. I cannot believe I did not move over sooner. the avalibity of apps and tools makes the locked down iOS system seem so clunky. plus expandable memory is a god send. battery life however is significantly reduced. however most planes have at least USB power now days so not as big an issue as it used to be. anyhow 1 more android convert here,. disclaimer coming from ipad 1, ipad 2 and ipad mini retina to samsung Note 2014 edition.
  25. so italy tomorrow eh..should be fun
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