so a list of what was illegal in states in AU till recently.
and some that should be.
so most of these are laws in SE asia..which most tourists from AU ignore as well.
shit other than the grog it much worse in russia!
So I know I can only talk from experience of being there not just read out cry on the web.
but yeah, yes there some things that are different, not all of them bad not all good.
way too many USA restaurant chains there cannot get a good meal being the main one.
I read all this prior to going and expected things to be much stricter
but till you really spend time there yeah it just rumours.
same as going to bangladesh, muslim country, grog is illegal, unless you don't identify as muslim then you can buy it no worries.
(could only get one free beer in the airport lounge tho that was a harsh thing)
indonesia is another muslim country...yeah hard to get a beer or a stripper in bali..
the more you travel the more you might be surprised how accepting other people are.
(other than italians and food so not accepting..)