so my read.
they hiring a replacement for you in NYC, they want you to stick around till they have cross trained them.
So my thoughts, be nice, (never know when you need a reference) but ask for pay rise.
offer to help on board the guy in NYC, face time with the owners is always a great thing and they can see how much of a company person you are. (plus free trip to NY)
be aware that after guy is on boarded you are disposable, but with you payrise a payout is nicer.
wait for said payout and buy coke and hookers.
now the bit you don;t want to read.
in all honesty the path that you took though this was a bit juvenile. using gossip merchants to promote your agenda..really
basically you have shown that you prefer to go behind their back rather than face your issues. kinda like a 14 year old girl.
all this could have been easily resolved, book a meeting with your manager/local rep, explain where your at, explain the pain points, and give a solution.
suggest a lackey and a step up of your role with more pay due to XYZ.
Never complain about an issue at work unless you have a suggested solution thus you look like a fixer rather than a trouble maker, even if it a crap idea they don;t go with it looks like you have that tried
As it is you now can never truly trust them to give you a future reference as they don't trust you.