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Everything posted by emts

  1. take it your talking glengoolie
  2. the best bit in brazilian BBQ..well in brazil anyhow https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Picanha so damn tasty
  3. thailand...getting a break b4 time
  4. all the "healthy" staff at work complained that our order of milk had more full cream not skim. 2 weeks later 13 full bottles of skim left in fridge...fights for normal milk. so much theoretical healthy..
  5. yeah I don;t see hi ves in the lunges much. would expect in the perth one but not mel or Syd. speaking off better book some flights today
  6. so long as it that ones at the pub I quite like that. when designated driver it's my go to!. that shit that is in a bottle at the supermarket that calls itself same is shit tho
  7. as opposed to elsewhere in the world eg USA...where your home loan is tax deducatble 100% but not investment properties, so everyone owes 100% on house and pays off others compared to paying off living in house whilst owing money on investment property
  8. ours had a maclaren mercedes SLR then traded up to a Veyron... didn't help me too much
  9. wish I got overtime, last quarter averaged 65 hours a week... am asking for a big FO pay rise atm tho.
  10. Tulla Jerry's burgers and shakes http://www.sau.com.au/forums/topic/457115-sau-vic-july-monthly-meet/
  11. there burgers involved so I'll prob go.
  12. Better start working on a new roommate agreement: http://bigbangtheory.wikia.com/wiki/The_Roommate_Agreement
  13. So they want me in Macau, and Bangladesh on bathurst weekend....tell em they dreaming
  14. so which is better, something cheap to fix.....or something that does not break..
  15. I just worked out what this whole GF staying over thing reminds me of. https://youtu.be/agY_oPHL62E?t=1m22s Seems Leigh is Dr Sheldon Cooper.....
  16. would be assuming so: http://guides.slv.vic.gov.au/c.php?g=245232&p=1633038
  17. Pretty sure my parents last house was bought for the sub 1000 4 bed rooms, formal dining, rumpus, cellar, stained glass windows... oh and on a nice small 640 acre block... dat 4 generations on same farm....95ish years..
  18. average is 75K for Full time workers. of all workers it;s 57 and change. and we were dissing maccas employees so assumed it was all employees not full time.
  19. The ABS says the average individual wage in Australia in November 2013 was $57,980 before tax close
  20. just get you mum to tell you it was a good deal?
  21. I'm aiming for a pool and 12 car garage...but moving to the country to get that. and maybe a tennis court
  22. had same thing for a while. and yesterday a lot.
  23. actually VSI8 article 9.5 refers to roll cages: https://www.vicroads.vic.gov.au/~/media/files/documents/safety-and-road-rules/vsinumber8guidetomodificationsformotorvehicles.ashx?la=en 9.5 Internal Rollcages internal Rollcages must be certified by a VASS signatory as complying with either VSB14 Modifications Code LK8 or with Codes LK9 and LK10 VSB LK section: http://www.infrastructure.gov.au/roads/vehicle_regulation/bulletin/pdf/NCOP7_Section_LK_Seating_and_Occupant_Protection_1Jan2011_v2.pdf LK8 deals with half cages, LK9/10 deal with full cage. not that I have read all this at far too great length. Thus why deregistering car shortly.
  24. VSI28 is no longer valid, thus is in the superseded section of the site. Edit: new regs: http://www.infrastructure.gov.au/roads/vehicle_regulation/bulletin/pdf/NCOP7_Section_LK_Seating_and_Occupant_Protection_1Jan2011_v2.pdf so rear is ok. Full not so much unless manufacturer supplied.
  25. half cage can be egnineers not a full cage they changed that a few years ago. tyres 2 inches bigger(wider or higher) ok. fuel system is ok I think brakes have to be engineered engine swap for a engine that was avalbiel in that car. eg no RB25 in a S-Chassis no ECU mods unless you do full EPA tests.
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