all the "healthy" staff at work complained that our order of milk had more full cream not skim.
2 weeks later 13 full bottles of skim left in fridge...fights for normal milk.
so much theoretical healthy..
so long as it that ones at the pub I quite like that.
when designated driver it's my go to!.
that shit that is in a bottle at the supermarket that calls itself same is shit tho
as opposed to elsewhere in the world eg USA...where your home loan is tax deducatble 100%
but not investment properties, so everyone owes 100% on house and pays off others
compared to paying off living in house whilst owing money on investment property
Pretty sure my parents last house was bought for the sub 1000
4 bed rooms, formal dining, rumpus, cellar, stained glass windows...
oh and on a nice small 640 acre block...
dat 4 generations on same farm....95ish years..
average is 75K for Full time workers.
of all workers it;s 57 and change.
and we were dissing maccas employees so assumed it was all employees not full time.
actually VSI8 article 9.5 refers to roll cages:
9.5 Internal Rollcages
internal Rollcages must be certified by a VASS signatory as complying with either VSB14 Modifications Code LK8 or with Codes LK9 and LK10
VSB LK section:
LK8 deals with half cages,
LK9/10 deal with full cage.
not that I have read all this at far too great length.
Thus why deregistering car shortly.
VSI28 is no longer valid, thus is in the superseded section of the site.
new regs:
so rear is ok.
Full not so much unless manufacturer supplied.
half cage can be egnineers not a full cage they changed that a few years ago.
tyres 2 inches bigger(wider or higher) ok.
fuel system is ok I think
brakes have to be engineered
engine swap for a engine that was avalbiel in that car.
eg no RB25 in a S-Chassis
no ECU mods unless you do full EPA tests.